A Summary Update on Rhysmonic Cosmology


Gregory Hodowanec B.S.

May 27, 2015


An initial report on the theory of Rhysmonic Cosmology was self-published as a short Monograph (Treatise) about May 1985. That Treatise was the result of about 10 years of sporadic effort (thoughts and experiments) inspired by some remarks made by Max Planck in his book, The Theory of Heat Radiation, which was published in 1969. The remarks were on a set of Natural Units which were basic and fundamental. How Max Planck came up with them I do not know, but I believed in an aetherical construction of Our Universe, so I decided to look into those units and a Rhysmonic Universe was born! You are referred to the Treatise for more details. After 45 years of very sporadic and low-cost effort, it is time to more fully explain what Rhysmonic Cosmology is really all about. At this writing, I am in my 94th year of life. It is time to update the basics of Rhysmonic Cosmology.

First of all, Rhysmonic Theory is a so-called flux-field contact action type of theory (after Faraday), one version of the many versions which may be out there by many other researchers in the past. However, there may also be many differences. Here, I will relate to what Rhysmonics adds to the theory of the All in Our Universe. Rhysmonics maintains that only rhysmons and a void exist here. However, it is possible that our rhysmon may be a Universe in its own right in the sub-stratum of Our Universe, and that Our Universe may be just a rhysmon in a Super Stratum Universe. Are there existences ad infinitum?

Such constructions may lend basis to that long-sought One Particle Universes. The presently known flux-fields are the gravitational, electrical, and magnetic types (see Figure B, Cosmology note: July 2014 posted on Rex Research).The field differences appear to be in their generation and use, since they are basically the same flux fields (after Faraday). I tried to show that in the Treatise! The linear flux lines could be considered as a scalar-type, while the rotational component could be considered as a torsional-type. Since Rhysmonics considers our Universe to be a globular (spherical) ball of rhysmonic activities, it also may be considered to be isometric and isotropic in construction!! This results in some further conclusions in this Note.

Inertial Effects

A spherical Our Universe would explain many known inertial effects. Our Universe is the sole source of energy and mass. This source is tappable by simple direct means. The linear (and parallel) geometric flux lines ( to use Faraday’s term) are made up of short mass-energy vectors, joining head-to-tail, and may be considered to be a scalar-type of field. This is seen in Figure B from the July 2014 Cosmology note. These extended flux lines (vectors) are bi-directional and supported by the isometric and isotropic nature of Our Universe. Also, they are longitudinal forces and have a velocity, C, for any length, being reflected off the edge of Our Universe (making Euclid’s parallel line element valid) and Our Universe a perfect Black Body! These effects are natural in free space and do not involve the Earth’s g-fields! However, the effect is still present near the Earth’s surface where G-fields are dominant. I don’t need to explain the effects of inertia, since we all have experienced it in sudden accelerations or decelerations. Here, Our Universe sustains the added energies, possibly forever (?), unless the status quo is restored. The same is seen in torsional fields (rotational) such as fly wheels, etc., and are due to the isometric and isotropic nature of Our Universe.

Anti-Gravity Effects

Two types of gravitational fields are available to us on Earth; the natural G-fields of Our Universe and the g-fields developed by the presence of Earth. The G-fields keep us pinned down to the Earth. However, the G-field becomes an up-field (skyward) 180 ? away through the Earth. While the up-component is smaller there at that location, the down component dominates, so you remain pinned to Earth. If you could somehow reduce the down-component but increase the up-component, we would have anti-gravity and reduce our weight or actually rise! I will not express anti-gravity as used in propulsion tests. I will leave that to others. It has been reported that high level sound waves were able to achieve anti-gravity effects on Earth. I have never looked into that, but apparently it was verified.


The material here was extracted from a draft of a much larger possible article. Here, it was shortened quite a bit because at 94 years of age (and some adverse conditions), I do not want to spend time and energy to do so anymore. It’s time for younger researchers to carry the ball, so to speak.