Are These Two-Dimensional Gravity "Shadow" Plots?


Bill Ramsay, an avid GW signal experimenter recently ran some unfiltered GW signal scans using his copy of my Circuit #175, but with a 27 ohm resister in series with each leg of the 2200 uF input detector capacitance. This enables higher system gains and sensitivity with stability when using many vintage ICs. His recorder unit is a Rustrak unit having a 10 uA movement at 5k ohms and has a 2-second sampling rate. The chart speed was one inch per hour. This should normally only show a random noise type scatter plot. However, Bill noted much "embedded structure" in these scatter plots, which appeared to him to be either cosmic signals, possibly intelligence, or...??

Gravity Shadow Plots

Looking at his many scans and his recording method, I am of the opinion (at this time) that perhaps Bill has inadvertently obtained two-dimensional plots of GW "shadow" responses. This has been proposed as possible by the writer in some papers and communications in the past. The Rustrak unit, without filtering and at a slow scan speed would respond to many "dynamic" GW signals in the universe as a sort of "sweep frequency" such as is used in scopes or the TV. Under the 2-second sampling rate of the Rustrak, the response would be a scatter plot of the signals, but should not show structure. A continuous pen recorder would show only a filled in chart response. However, the presence of GW shadows could not change the scan rates, i.e., show an increase or decrease in meter movement (voltage) and thus should leave gaps or holes in the scatter plot which would be related to the density of the shadow masses which were being scanned. Thus we may have a sort of "picture" of these dense masses as seen from the observer's position. The dynamic GW signals are providing the sweep frequency for these scans. Some of the "embedded structures" are shown marked by the writer on an enclosed scan obtained by Bill. Much other structure can be seen -- many apparent galaxies or even black holes?

These crude early scans seem to show a potential for a new type of response for these detectors. The method can be further developed with other sweep methods and sampling methods. Bill has apparently showed possible feasibility here --- it is up to you researchers to help further these techniques.

Good experimenting to all!

Best regards,

Greg Hodowanec