Black-Body GW Radiation in the Universe

( 5-11-1985 )


A. Summation of all GW signals leads to ‘mechanical’ black-body radiation having ‘wavelength’ ~ = 0.2-0.3 cm.

GW Signals

B. Local Effects:

Local Signals

Movement of Test Mass

(1) At peak position, reflected rhysmons add to signal level at detection to cause an apparent increase in l/f noise level.

(2) At null position, reflected rhysmons subtract from signal level at detection to cause an apparent increase in l/f noise level.

(3) This is possible due to the coherent nature of this GW radiation.

Note: A referenced position does not necessarily stay referenced for a long time since the universe is dynamic and the levels change for other GW signals.



(1) GW signals should be able to be used for GW communications.