Eclipse of May 10, 1994

( May 12, 1994 )


A two-dimensional scan (2D) of the zenith-nadir area was made during the time of the 5-10-94 solar eclipse of the sun by the moon. Circuit # 300B was used with 21 Hz LP filtering and a 4-diode offset to drive the Rustrak 288 chart recorder. The output level was kept low to limit the scan width to about 1/4 inch only. The scan period was unattended and shut off when I returned home about 3:30 PM EDT. The results are given below, the actual scan and an enlarged portrayal of what could be seen in the scan, since it is difficult to reproduce by a copier the details in the original.

Figure (1): Eclipse of May 10, 1994

Eclipse of May 10, 1994

It appears that this scan did pick up a 2-dimensional view of the eclipse as it passed through our meridian here. The sun transited our meridian here about 11:54:24 EST, corrected for the equation of time and the 8.3 minutes if EM transit time. This was roughly in agreement with the actual scan times seen above. The sun’s "shadow" is more circular and smaller than the moon’s here since the moon was moving more rapidly than the sun. This also resulted in a more elongated response for the moon’s shadow. Since both the sun and moon were in our zenith area, there was a reduction in gravity here, resulting in the "darker" response for the sun and moon compared to the general background response. The reason for a "white ring" around this dark spot is unknown at present. Several other responses were noted here. The response shown at B appears to also be possibly in our solar system and perhaps another planet, but I do not have any knowledge of a planet being in this area at present. The collections are often seen in these scans and are in repeatable areas. The interesting response seen at A also appears to be extragalactic, under earth, and in the general area of the constellation Virgo. It is pretty much on the meridian of the large galaxy M-87 as seen today but this response is now and not the many eons ago as seen in the EM responses! This structure has been "seen" here before and some similar type responses were seen in the past in other areas.


1. Gravitational 2-D detection techniques appear to have detected the solar eclipse of May 10, 1994 as it crossed the meridian here.

2. While the sensitivity of the detector may have been set too low, the response indicated some other structures which were also noted in the past.

3. It appears that this technique is a viable new window to the structure of our universe. It is a shame that there is still very limited activity in these efforts.