Extraction of Energy Directly from the Aether


A. Introduction

It was my original intention to include this in a revision of my monograph, Rhysmonic Cosmology. Then, I planned to write an extended Cosmology Note on this subject complete with many references by that was not practical, thus, this Note is written as a matter-of-fact essay. It is being written ‘off-the-top’ of my head, but it the only way I can convey my concepts to you in this (possible last) Cosmology Note.


B. Background

Rhysmonic Cosmology got started in 1959 when Dover Publications issued a reprint of Max Planck’s ‘Theory of Heat Radiation’. That book contained a short aside in which Planck mentioned that Universal Constants could be used to develop a system of Natural Units. It was recognized that such a system could possibly reflect on the basic structure of our universe, especially since it was noted that the natural units of length over time (a velocity) agreed very closely with the experimentally determined velocity of light in a vacuum. The Planck Natural Units and their many derivations are thus the basis of my Rhysmonic work.

Before continuing with the basic concepts, as it could apply to extraction of energy directly from the rhysmoid (the aether if you wish), let us look at some of the philosophy. I have mentioned third dimensions and fourth dimensions in the past, but may have been using those terms in special connotations.

The Third Dimension (in my view) is the Universe that is revealed to us by our senses, using at times instrumentation which could aid our sense (such as microscopes, telescopes, computers, various meters, etc.). In general, this is a 3-dimensional Cartesian-coordinate (Euclidian) universe as seen by our senses --- the universe we all know, a wonderful universe of stars, planets, earth, people, animals, vegetation, etc. The time element here is related to our sense of past, present, and future, and is governed by our various clocks. The vast majority of people view and live only in this third dimensional universe.

The fourth dimensional universe is the fundamental structure, i.e., a substratum, which underlies the third dimensional universe. It is revealed to us only by our minds in conjunction with our senses and instruments. This fact implies that our minds may be non-corporeal and thus may function in a special version of the fourth dimension. Thus, this fourth dimension could be compared to the abode of spirit or soul as used in many religions. However, the human brain may be looked at as a most sophisticated computer which is corporeal, but which can be programmed and controlled by the mind in the performance of various human functions, including the study of mind and spirit; however, this is beyond the scope of this Note.

Rhysmonic Cosmology attempts to describe the structure of the substratum (aether) since it is not knowable directly by our senses. It is fourth dimensional, while it is yet describable by the three dimensions of Descartes, those dimensions are also directly interconnected in a universal time element, thus making it four-dimensional in nature. It is also mechanical in nature and thus describable in terms of a Length (a distance), a Mass (particle), and a Time (duration). Therefore, L.M. and T, as well as their many derivatives, could be used to fully describe such a fourth dimensional universe. I have attempted to do so in Rhysmonic Cosmology and the structure as revealed there has led me to many predictions as well as experimental verifications of the theory. Although this paper is limited to the energy-extraction effects, some asides and connotations which elaborate on the theory, will be stated.


C. Rhysmonic Cosmology Basics ~

The Rhysmonic Theory in all its details are available in my Monograph (1) and many articles and Notes. I include some illustrations from the Monograph and point out more explicitly the nature of that rhysmonic structure which will enable energy extraction directly from that structure.


(1) Rhysmonic Structure ~

Rhysmonic structure, i.e., aether, consists of only a postulated extremely minute ‘particle’ which I now have termed a rhysmon (rather than originally a gravitational particle, graviton, now used by others in many other contexts). This particle forms a matrix structure which is the very fabric of our sensible universe. The matrix is fully describable in terms of Planck’s Natural Units for mechanics. See Table 1.

Mass = M* ~ 2.177-5 gm
Length = L* ~ 1.616-33 cm (CGS units used)
Time = T* ~ 5.391-44 sec.

This matrix structure (as shown in my works) is essentially a ‘stationary’ structure in that the unit cell of the structure is self-contained and cannot be broken up and be moved as in a fluid. However, it can be modified or distorted and, therefore, it could be considered as an elastic solid medium. This medium contains the sole intrinsic energy of the universe! However, it is that directed energy flux (i.e., fields) which then become sensed in our third dimensional universe.


(2) Rhysmonic Fields ~

The rhysmonic fields (i.e., aetheric fields) have certain characteristics revealed in Rhysmonic Cosmology which may be conducive to direct extraction of energy from these fields. Consider a planar section of this structure as shown in Figure 1. This is an ‘instantaneous’ snapshot of this structure, since the structure is, in reality, extremely dynamic. Two factors should be pointed out:

First, the structure has a linear aspect and also a rotary aspect, all developing from the short directed vectors of the basic cell structure. Second, the structure is also oscillatory with a frequency of about 1.85543 Hertz (the inverse of T*), which is the Planck Frequency, f*. The linear aspect results in the phenomenon of inertia (e.g., linear momentum), while the rotational aspects result in the phenomenon of angular momentum, also an inertial effect. The linear aspects are due to the short cell vectors joining head-to-tail, while the angular aspects may be due to circumferential vectors as shown in dotted line form in Figure 1. It is important to note that some linear vectors (at a particular moment in time) are all in one direction and thus they are essentially scalar fields as defined by Whittaker. The circumferential (angular) vectors are also in certain directions at a particular ‘instant’ of time. The time considered here is Planck Time, T*, but that time can be related to our civil time.

Figure 1

Cell Matrix Structure 3

Thus, a rhysmonic universal frequency, f*, is involved here which is 1/T* or approximately 1.85543 Hz, the Planck Natural Frequency already mentioned. This dynamic structure results in what I have termed as the universal G-filed, and it is further defined by the constant, G, as determined in the Newtonian relation for gravitation. Therefore, this Universal G-field also defines the aether, but it should not be confused with g-fields which are due to a modification of the G-fields by the presence of particles (i.e., masses) in the structure, e.g., the Earth. It is also not to be confused with the so-called zero-point energy flux (which in Rhysmonics is postulated to be due to perturbations on the G-field --- and thus g-fields --- by such influences as novae, supernovae, and many other random fluxes generated by disturbed masses in the universe). However, G-field flux might be related to the so-called torsion fields? I will consider some of these aspects later in the energy extraction process.

Figure 2

Cell Matrix Structure 2

Consider now the ‘instantaneous’ unit rhysmonic cell structure as shown in Figure 2. here the hexagonal aether shown in the planar depiction of the rhysmonic structure in Figure 1 is seen in 3-dimentsional form. This is also very important as it shows that the ‘instantaneous’ scalar field in the aether might be simply summed by properly phasing interactions with locally generated scalar fields in the proper geometric form! This may have been done by Coler in his Magnetstromapparat? (More on this concept later).

Figure 3

Universe Planar View

Consider now the simple universe linear vectors as shown in Figure 3. This idea was originally used to explain the origin of g-fields, which are the normally-expressed gravitational effects. There I emphasized only a simple 60 degree planar reflection as would be seen in a cross-section of the universe which cuts across the physical center of the universe (Note: refer to the Postulates in the Introduction). Recall that our underlying universe structure is essentially stationary in that each rhysmonic cell is relatively fixed in space. Therefore, we can speak of in respect to the aether since this aether is in reality a fixed reference. Thus we have absolute space and absolute time as had been expounded on by Newton but which was denied by the Relativists! What is emphasized also is that the linear vectors shown in Figure 3 are essentially instantaneous vectors which are reflected from the edge of the universe by the unit vectors there acting essentially as loss-less pulleys! This effect is essentially instantaneous (in Planck Time) no matter at what angle or how many reflections are utilized! Also this reflection does not depend on position in the universe. This concept is most important and will be considered in more detail for the energy extraction process as well as other interesting asides to be given.


D. Energy Extraction Mechanism

Before continuing I want to explain energy. Energy in a broad sense is the ability to do work. Energy is available in many forms since it is mechanical in nature and involves the motion (with respect to the fixed aether) of particles (or mass). Thus active energy is kinetic in nature and it stems from the intrinsic energy of the aether, where that energy involves the ever-moving motion of rhysmons in closed orbits. Active energy is given by = K.E. = mv2 as has been long known in mechanics. In the use of K.E. = 1/2 mv2, the factor 1/2 is a mathematical artifice used to simplify the more practical applications of kinetic energy. The intrinsic energy of the aether also is a scalar since it does not depend on the velocity of the particle (i.e., the rhysmon) but only on the speed. Thus, the intrinsic energy of the rhysmoid (i.e., aether) is given by: E* = M*C*2, or the more familiar E = MC2, where C is the speed of light. Also C is the speed of all other electromagnetic, propagated actions such as radio, X-rays, gamma-rays, etc., in the vacuum. Since C2 in the undisturbed aether is a constant, the rhysmonic energy (E*) is directly proportional to the rhysmonic mass (M*) involved. Many (other) classical mechanical relations are also retained at the rhysmonic (aetheric) levels.

In the past I had emphasized the interaction of the scalar E- and H-fields with the known scalar earth g-field in possible energy extraction processes. Theoretical and experimental studies have led to the development of various gravity detectors which then led to many applications, both terrestrial and astronomical. These studies will not be further considered here.

Moreover, when McClain and Wootan released material on their Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) in December 1995, I immediately sensed that such a series-resonant system, driven by a low-level oscillator circuit, could be interacting with the earth’s g-field in an energy extraction process. While I did not try to duplicate their actual circuit, I later got their L-C (inductance-capacitance) parts. I did try a quick test with parts and equipment I had on hand. There were low-level tests but fortunately the choices I made indicated that there was some excess power extraction noted in these tests. The use of a tube-type sine-wave generator, and the L-C components used, indicated a strong interaction at about 83.6 KHz, somewhat less interaction at adjacent frequencies, all of which were later determined to be sub-harmonics of the Universal Rhysmonic (Planck) frequency of about 1.85543 Hz (f* = 1/T = 1/5.391-44 seconds). Many tests indicated power gains. Some circuits achieved a self-sustaining action where the power gain kept the rechargeable cells (Radio Shack rechargeable alkaline batteries) powering the solid-state oscillator fully charged over several thousand hours of continuous operation (Note: the power demands were such these batteries should have discharged!). These tests have since been suspended, but became very sporadic. The aim here is to eventually demonstrate a true stand-alone energy operating system. In due time, I hope to achieve that goal in one of the many proposed systems.

In the course of these early Mini-MRA tests, some effort was made was made to orient at least the inductor to interact more directly with the earth’s g-field. However, as tests went on, it was noticed that tests were good regardless of L-C orientations! Some further tests indicated that all interactions were independent of L-C orientations but were dependent on the proper frequency of operation for the particular coil unit. Again, it was noted that best performance was always at a subharmonic of the Universal Rhysmonic (Planck) frequency of about 1.85543 Hz.

Some of the more recent tests have not been properly documented or released. However, I am now becoming more and more convinced that the mechanism as proposed here is at the heart of all free energy devices reported to have significant power gains (e.g., those which used coils and/or capacitors). I am also convinced that with proper research and development, systems based upon the methodology given here will form the basis for energy generation directly from the Universal G-field of this universe.

The universe as developed in Rhysmonics is a black-body, i.e., a closed system. Therefore, such energy extraction and use will only redistribute the essentially infinite energy of the universe. That is, energy will be extracted, used in various ways, and then returned to the rhysmoid (aether). Rhysmonics predicts the universe will remain stable --- no heat death and no cold death! The universe is essentially violent and some of the violence (e.g., supernovae, etc.) should effect us here on Earth.

I had predicted in December 1986 that violence in our Galaxy Center would affect Earth’s weather patterns for some time to come! The wild weather patterns in recent years may attest to that. However, locally there may be another cause, if mankind continues to abuse our environment with unwise use of fossil fuel energy here on earth.

[The mentioned violence at the Galaxy Center was what Hodowanec had observed, via his techniques, as an apparent supernova event when the stable ancient black hole structure he had been observing for 5-6 years cannibalized a nearby very dense structure. The added mass/energy of which may have precipitated what was observed. Following this likely supernova, a new and much denser structure (likely a black hole) was observed complete with rapidly expanding accretion rings (debris from the supernova). While continuing to periodically scan this region, Hodowanec noticed in early June 1991 (now 10-11 years worth of scanning!) the new black hole was no longer there! For several days prior to this disappearance, he noticed increased violent activity which may have been other explosive type events leading to several new observed accretion rings. Could it be that Hodowanec observed what Hawking theorizes as the eventual evaporation of a black-hole --- complete with the antecedent conditions? Continued periodic scanning of this region (the last in January 1998) by Hodowanec continue to show much debris, perhaps coalescing to form another black hole? The gravity-winds (gravity-wave fluctuations measured by Hodowanec) continue to show a greatly increased level in the universe gravity-wave background (the G-field equivalent of the Electromagnetic Universe Microwave Background Radiation?)]


E. Some Asides and Connotations

In this section, I will comment on some experiments and observations, by myself and some colleagues, as well as some experiments and observations by other researchers. The comments are from the viewpoint of Rhysmonics and will be in no particular order… only as it comes to mind.


(1) Gravitational Speed vs Light Speed

The fundamental velocity (speed) in Rhysmonics is represented by C*, the Planck Velocity. This is essentially the velocity of a single directed vector in the basic rhysmonic cell and it is equal to L*/T* (L* = 1.616-33 cm; T* = 5.391-44 sec; so L*/T* = 2.99710 cm/sec = C* = C) for a single directed vector in the finite Rhysmonic world, however, also the velocity C of propagation in the macro world [Coincidence or theoretical evidence for the origin of the constant C?]. It is noted that, in the Universal G-field, the velocity (or speed) of the gravitational flux is simply:

NL* / T*

Where n is the number of unit vectors in the linear summation of the vectors, head-to-tail, For example, the single unit vector in has a velocity (or speed) of 1L*/T* or C*. However, two (2) unit vectors (head-to-tail) would now have a velocity of 2L*/T*, or 2C*; three vectors, 3L*/T*, or 3C*, and so on. Put another way, gravitational effects are propagated any distance the unity (the oneness) of our universe, and especially in gravity signal astronomy.

This is also a most important aspect when deep space communications are needed! With respect to the velocity of light (for EM waves), while the velocity C* (or C) is involved, the situation is quite different . The propagation of gravitation is a linear effect or a longitudinal (straight line) wave of infinite length and thus more aptly termed a gravitational impulse. Light or electromagnetic waves are a transverse effect where repeated reversals of the polarity of the electric and magnetic components occur in the propagation process. The electric (E) and magnetic (H) components are actually sustained by the universal G-field. This involves a time component of T, which is independent of the frequency, wavelength or amplitudes involved in this process. Also, the field reversals (of E- and H-) can take place only in the time frame of T, since this is also the existence time frame for the universe. Therefore, in the case of EM wave propagation, the rate of propagation will be this constant velocity (or speed) of L*/T* or C. This holds only in the undisturbed aether where L* and T* are constant. However, in the presence of other particles or fields, these constants could change and thus the velocity of light (i.e., EM waves) would also change. There is much more to be learned here.


(2) Position in the Universe

Since in Rhysmonics the universe is but a ‘fixed’ collection of rhysmonic cells, it will have a physical center in this spherical collection of cells. The physical center can be expected to have a very high density of structures very much as most galaxies appear to have. In fact, several Gravity signal tests made seem to show two or three extremely sense objects in the direction of Leo, which also appear to be moving quite rapidly about each other around a common center of gravity. This could well be black-hole type structures in the suspected physical center of our universe. Such a third dimension universe would have other connotations, some of which I have observed but will not relate here.

Of more interest to you could be another aspect of this type of structure from the viewpoint of our third dimensional universe. Consider a man located at any point on the 60 degree angle of the universe-wide instantaneous vector shown in Figure 3. If that person had Gravitational field eyes, he would be able to see the back of his head instantly. This would also be true at any position at any position in the universe and at any angle whatsoever he made with respect to that center. While mankind does not have Gravitational eyes, mankind does have a mind which has so-called free will. Therefore, a person can make a physical movement of a mass (at will) and thus affect the universe-wide instantaneous vectors in any direction and, therefore, will also affect the inertia of the rhysmonic field in that direction. The rhysmoid (aether), being a perfect machine, will reflect geometrically from the edge of the universe in numerable reflections and then return instantly to the moving source mass making the disturbance at that point. One can look at this effect as being a rhysmonic clothes line with loss-less pulleys (See Figure 3). Thus a pull at the front of the mass will result in a push (at the same time) at the back of the mass. This process is involved in any mass movement or field movement in the universe.

Fortunately, we now have rhysmonic (aether)movement detectors (i.e., gravity-wave detectors) capable of sensing changes in the Universe G-field, primarily as it affects the earth’s g-field. Use of the earth’s g-field in this detection process results in a sort of fine tuning where we will observe only those effects which are in line with the earth’s g-field. Fortunately also, we have been able to test this hypothesis. Since the earth is rotating on its axis, any new disturbance (controlled by free will in a definite pattern) will modulate (create an interaction with) the universe-wide vectors and thus be detected by these g-field detectors; primarily as a chopping disturbance of an apparent ~ 0.25 cm standing wave structure in the aether (believed to be due to a summation of all the other mass disturbances in the universe).

Now, if this disturbance is coded in some fashion, say as 2 Hz pulses spaced 30 seconds apart, then the aether at that location will be disturbed at the rate of the earth’s rotation. This disturbance will be sustained by the Universal G-fields, but will eventually be destroyed or weakened by other Universe G-field actions. [Note: Likely not a decaying but more like being overridden or swamped]. That this appears to be so was demonstrated in many so-called pendulum tests and other tests reported in the past. This is the so-called mass movement test (movement with respect to the fixed aether).

It is believed that Tesla saw this effect in Colorado experiments using lightning (and thunder?) as the disturbance source. However, his detection system (at the turn of the century) was rather crude [insensitive]. As some of you know, I used this principle in some gravity signaling tests using Morse code mass modulations more than ten years ago. I was able to record the code modulations up to 20 miles away. [At his home, Hodowanec connected the output of his detector to a tape recorder. Then he got in his car and slowly drove straight away sending mile markers at various distances by moving, in pendulum style, a several pound lead weight held in his free hand; thus forming the dots and dashes of numbers corresponding to distances.]

However, Bill Ramsay was able to demonstrate a far more elegant test using field movements instead of mass movements. Basically, Bill used the oscillator made of my gravity detectors to generate a modulation of the universe-wide G-field vectors at his Earth location. The modulations were most likely provided by the inductors of the oscillators. [Clarification: The oscillators were R-C type, no inductors, but the outputs were connected to amplified speakers. Thus inductance was involved.] Bill modified the oscillators to have a desired decay time and tuned a number of oscillators to a musical scale. Thus, his signals were musical tones. Bill provided his oscillators with a keyboard and summed [mixed] the outputs to an audio audio amplifier. Thus, in effect, he had a Cosmic Organ! When Bill played a simple tune on his cosmic organ, the inductors [in the speakers] would modulate the G-fields at his location. Now since the earth was rotating, the ditty or tune was stored in time in the aether in the process discussed before. Now when Bill ceased his playing, the universe would keep on playing his tune! Much as in the other (Gravity-wave) universe modulation tests, it would so for hours (although Bill tape-recorded the play back for only 90minutes or so). Eventually, the high notes would distort, but the main range of about 100 Hz to 1 KHz in the scale would remain relatively unchanged. Of course, the universe contains other responses in this range which would tend to weaken or destroy his modulation; but Bill has recorded many hours of the universe’s own melodies in his particular location (now Grand Junction, CO).

Another aspect considered is with respect to EM responses in the aether, especially those of visible light frequencies. It had bee pointed out in rhysmonics that the universe that the universe is a finite spherical black body with perfect radiation at the edge of this universe. Thus all persons on the inside of the universe could consider the inside edge as a perfect spherical mirror. It is speculated that, as such, any position in the universe could be considered as the center of the optical universe! This could have may connotations, but one which I have already used was using this concept in explaining quasars.


(3) Rotational Fields in the Aether

In the planar depiction of the pure (undisturbed) aether shown in Figure 1, it is seen that linear and rotational forces are fundamental t the structure of the aether. However, due to the presence of some other forces, primarily field movements (due to mass movements or mass shadows) there will be introduced curvilinear motions or other distortions in the aether. Here I will mention only some rotary effects due to rotational forces inherent in the aether.

Rotational effects are rampant in the universe but all else can be related to the basic elements as shown in Figure 1, 2, and 3. For example, the earth rotates on its axis, the moon rotates around the earth and the earth rotates around the sun. Spiral galaxies are in rotation about a common center and probably families of galaxies rotate about a common center also. Perhaps even the universe is in rotation but that would have to be relative to possible other universes somewhere out there? All this is on a large scale, but microscopically, rotation is also rampant. For example, rhysmonics postulates that for a particle (which is but a collection or arrangement of rhysmons) to move relative to the fixed aether, the particle must be a vortex in that structure. The movement is made only by transferring linear and rotational forces to a vortex in that structure. The movement is made only by transferring linear and rotational forces to adjacent basic cell structures, since the basic cells are not able to move as entities in themselves! Therefore, while the basic structure is quite simple, other forces and structures in this basic medium can be quite complicated! However, in this paper I will point out only a few of the many observed phenomenon in our third dimensional universe which can be explained with four dimensional rhysmonic viewpoint.

All energy (E*) in the universe comes basically from the short unit cell vectors as shown in Figure 1. Here E* = M* C* = 2.177-5 gm x (2.99714510 cm2/sec)= 1.9616 ergs.


E* = A*/T* = action/time = 1/054-27 erg-sec/5.391-44 sec = 1.9616 ergs, where A* = h, Planck’s reduced constant.

In a similar manner, the momentum (P*) of a single directed rhysmonic vector is:

P* = M* x C* = 2.177-5 gm x 2.99710 cm/sec = 6.355 gm-cm/sec,

while the (F*) of this vector is:

F* = E*/L* = 1.9616 ergs/1.616-33 cm = 1.2149 dynes!

In the undisturbed aether these energies are essentially canceled [or are in balance?] in the aether structure and thus are not normally seen or available energy. Rhysmonics appears to show that only a small amount of external perturbation energy may be needed to make that energy available to us in the third dimensional universe! While this energy is being extracted in innumerable ways in both technology as well as in lifeforms (e.g., bionics), I will mention only a few of rotational force effects from technology here.


a. Angular Momentum Effects

Angular momentum in our third dimensional universe is best noted in the so-called flywheel effect. This is well studied in conventional mechanics in terms of the practical flywheel, the gyroscope and many other rotary devices. Here, I will try to simply explain the mechanism in terms of rhysmonics. While in our third dimensional universe we see an actual rotation of a physical mass within the reference frame of a room, this rotation is actually in relation to the fixed aether! Moreover, the fixed aether is not in actual rotation, only an energy effect is being added to the circumferential vectors for these rotational effects. Should we move our reference frame such as to a car, a plane, or a ship, the energy storage in the flywheel (or gyro) will also move through the fixed aether but the same energy transfer process still exists. Therefore, rotational forces can store large amounts of energy in the directed vectors of the aether. However, this stored energy is but a tiny fraction of the energy available in the basic rhysmonic directed vector.

Another interesting aspect here is if the flywheel (which could be the rotor of a motor) is kept in a fixed position in fixed reference frame (e.g., a room) the aether storage effect will persist for some extent in time even if the flywheel is slowed down or stopped. When start-up is performed reasonably soon after stoppage, it should be able to restart the rotation at much lower energy levels! Is this the Aspden Effect? [Apparently the Aspden Effect is stronger if the rotor uses magnets.] It should be remembered that such persistence of motion (i.e., inertia) is typical of our rhysmonic universe and it is sustained by the universal G-fields.

That such rotational effects are with respect to the overall universe fixed aether is verified in many third-dimensional tests; e.g., gyro compasses, the Foucault Pendulum, as well as numerous flywheel-type tests. The miniature flywheels in permanent magnets and various bionic functions seem to affirm these postulates. It would be interesting to investigate the homopolar generator from this viewpoint. Rhysmonics does appear to confirm such linear and rotational energy effects in many experiments, reported and unreported. There is room for much research here! I have released information on these aspects in the past.

4. Miscellaneous Other Asides

Now I will remark on certain items which reflect on the rhysmonic approach to the nature of our universe. I will include not only items of mine but also a few developed b other researchers in the literature.


(a) Relativity in Rhysmonics

Theories of relative motion have been around for hundreds of years but the Einstein version developed around the turn of the 20th is the most published (and thus known). In rhysmonics, relative motion is quite simple, it is motion with respect to the fixed (i.e., stationary) aether! I have already considered some aspects on this concept but will elaborate a bit more here. We can determine this relative motion by comparing the motion in a frame of reference which moves as a unit through the aether. Such a frame ius expressed in a location which has no apparent motion, such as a room or laboratory area. Here, the area is really in motion with respect to the aether. However, that motion would be apparent only to another observer, say one on the sun where the motion of Earth in its journey through space, including its rotation, would be readily noted. But locally it is a fixed frame of reference (i.e., Galilean) to an observer in that lab or room! However, any other additional movement in that area will be, in fact, a recognizable motion through the fixed aether.

This has been verified in many of my rhysmonic experiments. Simple experiments which were observed many times in the past also demonstrated this concept. For example, an electrically-charged item at rest in this lab or room will have only an observed so-called static charge. However, if we move this charge in relation to this reference frame and charge sensing device, the charge will also be moved with respect to the fixed aether! Now, a least two responses will be observed: (1) the moving charge will develop a linear flux field movement which, while more difficult to observe, is also observed with more specialized test methods.

Another experiment is n the traditional magnet and coil test. Here it does not matter if the magnet is moved or the coil is moved --- induction currents in the coil are developed! This is due to the fact that a relative flux movement is involved in either case, and it is that flux which causes electron flow in the coil. Therefore, in rhysmonics, any real movement within the Stationary Aether will result in effects which can be observed with the proper instrumentation. Understanding this concept is fundamental in rhysmonic theory.


(b)  Casimir Force in Rhysmonics

There is much in the literature on this effect which appears mainly as a closing or attractive force between two closely spaced metal or other high-density plates. While current emphasis is on EM forces or zero-point energy forces, rhysmonics postulates this to be just a gravitational effect, due to the geometry of the test elements. The source of the force here is the Universal G-fields! Due to the geometry, these Universal G-fields are shielded largely in the direction at right angles to the plane of these plates, and very little shielding is present in the same plane as the plates. This is the normal G-field effect, similar to that similar to that between the Earth and a body near its surface. However, again due to the geometry, the so-called Casimir Force is quite detectable in the form that most of these tests were made. However, as seen here, this force is gravitational and not any new force in nature!


(c) Charge Clusters in Rhysmonics

I do not have much background in so-called charge clusters (as mentioned by Shoulders and others) but I do have some doubts that clusters of electrons are involved. From the Rhysmonic point of view, such massive charge clusters may exist, but they are super particles, being much the same as electrons and protons are (in rhysmonics) as densely or loosely packed rhysmonic clusters! Perhaps these clusters are vortices in nature and thus stable to some extent and may even carry an excess charge. To be negative in charge, the charge cluster would be essentially a large hole, so to speak, in the aether. Again, all this is only conjecture on my part as, at this time, I have not really looked at the reported charge clusters and their effects.


(d) G-Fields and Weather Patterns

I had predicted that our Earth was due for an extended period of unusual weather patterns since (in December 1986) dramatic changes were noted at our Galaxy Center (GC). Since then other changes were noted at the GC and also other areas of our universe using gravity signal astronomy techniques. These changes are believed to be due to gravity winds, i.e., rotational (motional!) aetheric fields! Recently, January 6 to 9, 1999, it was noticed that in using an ordinary electronic weight scale as a gravimeter, that there was a relatively good correlation between my weight variances and positions of the northern jet stream. For example, my weight is nominally 163 pounds. Yet, in that time period, where weather patterns were crazy, my scale weight varied between 150 and 170 pounds! It should be emphasized here that the scales must be of the Hooke’s Law type, i.e., springs [or load cells but not balance types] are used. In general, my weight was 150 pounds when the northern jet stream plunged down as far as Alabama and Florida and 170 pounds then this jet stream was far north in Canada. [That is a 12-13% change! Can this be accounted for, by any combination of the usual mundane factors?]

Apparently, some effects in space were causing gravity winds which affected our G-fields here on Earth and thus the jet stream (and our weather patterns)! I had reported ion this many times in the past, but this is the first time I noted such good correlations. This is an easy test for you to make. Many of you may have such electronic scales and jet stream patterns are given daily in most TV news programs and in some newspapers. It appears tp be real here (New jersey), but verification by others would be nice!


F. Conclusions

I wish to restate that the purpose of this Note was to convey to you some additional thoughts of mine and also to clarify some earlier thoughts. I again apologize for the literary roughness of this presentation. However, I hope it was of some interest to you. As always, mu reports to you are not intended to be dogma but only as an effort to try to hold your interest in this cosmology, which I strongly believe has merit for more investigation by others. Good theorizing and experimenting to all!



As you know all my efforts and writings are placed into the Public Domain and thus are available to all to use as they see fit. Now in this so-called information age, with the Internet, there may also be some mis-information and dis-information circulating. In particular, I am Greg Hodowanec Sr., and now in my 78 th year of life. There is also a Greg Jr, but he should not be confused in any way with this effort; it is mine alone. The problem with the computer is that it cannot think; it only knows what is programmed into it. Thus, all that is programmed is not necessarily true to the real facts or even identified properly. Take care please!


Selected References

(1) "Rhysmonic Cosmology: The Works of Hodowanec"; 1985, published by Bill Ramsay; Out of print.

(2) "Gravitronics: A Developing New Technology?"; unpublished, 60 pp.

(3) "The Nature of Gravitation"

(4) "The Nature of Electromagnetic Signal Propagation"

(5) "Supernovae and Black Holes"

(6) "Simple Gravimeters for Amateur Scientists"

(7) "Are Cosmological Effects the Source of L/F Noise?"

(8) "Detection of Novae and Black Holes"; Cosmology Note (4/4/88)

(9) "Is the Universe Really Expanding?"

(10) "All About Gravitational Waves?"; Radio-Electronics (April 1986), p. 11

(11) "About Gravitational Impulses"; R-E Experimenters’ Handbook (1989)

(12) "Simple Gravimeter Detects Gravity Shadow Signals"; International Tesla Society, 1986

(13) "Scalar Fields and Their Interactions"; Int. Tesla Soc., 1988

(14) "Some Remarks on Tesla’s Earth Resonances"; Int. Tesla Soc., 1987-88

(15) "Do Intense Scalar Fields Affect Life Processes?"; Int. Tesla Soc., 1988

(16) "The Cosmic Connection"; Untapped Technology in Review (Autumn 1994)

(17) "A Simple Electronic Motion Detector System"; unpublished

(18) "A Novel Simple Audio Circuit"; unpublished

(19) "Confirmation of the Experimental Value of G (The Gravitational Constant) from Planck (Rhysmonic Natural Units"; Cosmology Note (12/12/90)

(20) "Confirmation of the Value of the Quantum of a Charge, e, from Planck (Rhysmonic Natural Units"; Cosmology Note B (12/12/90)

(21) "Determination of the Value of the Quantum of Charge, e., from Planck (Rhysmonic) Natural Units"; Cosmology Note (2/7/94)

(22) "Confirmation for the Experimental Value for the Permitivity of Free Space, E*, from Planck (Rhysmonics) Natural Units"; Cosmology Note (2/7/94)

(23) "Confirmation of the Experimental Value for the Permeability of Free Space, u*, from Planck (Rhysmonic) Natural Units"; Cosmology Note (2/7/94)

(24) "Some Remarks on the Relation C =  (E*u*)1/2 "; Cosmology Note (4/16/98)