To confirm the reality of the scans of Cygnus H and the redeveloping "structure" at the Galaxy Center, these scans were repeated on 7-21-1993. As the plots of Figure (1) show, these "events" were largely duplicated. The galaxy Center response is essentially unchanged, but Cygnus H has changed somewhat --- but this was expected since the Rustrak 2-D plots seemed to indicate that this "event" was possibly two black holes in rapid close orbit around each other. This investigation was begum because we speculated that perhaps some "new" massive cosmic event might be generating fairly strong "gravity winds" which in some way were affecting the jet stream in the northern hemisphere. There was also a possibility that the rotating "holes" seen in the Rustrak plots were relatively close in the Cygnus area and may have had a phase relationship with the earth's rotation which could be keeping its maximum effect pointed toward a particular 40-42o North Latitude location and which is only very slowly moving across the Earth (in this case the USA?). To further look into this, I went over some past 2-D Rustrak scans I had remaining here.
B. Past 2-D Rustrak Scans:
To begin with, I went over a 2-D scan I made continuously from about 2-11-1992 to 2-28-1992 with a Circuit #3000-A. Unfortunately, I used the later portions of this chart as actual scan samples sent to interested colleagues. However, I did check the remaining portions of this chart to see if there was any record of Cygnus H on it. I was very much surprised! On 2-15-1992, the chart appeared to indicate that there were two separate black holes in this particular region of Cygnus but were fairly far apart, about 8-10 minutes of Earth rotation time. However, on 2-16-1992, these "holes" appeared to have come closer together! On 2-19-1992 they were much closer. On 2-20-1992 they were very close, just about abutting. On 2-21-1992 they appeared to be coalescing! On the morning of 2-23-1992 they appeared to have coalesced, and on the evening of that day the scan appeared to show a new larger structure there with a pronounced shock wave ring present! Unfortunately, I could not go further here as that was the end of my chart record here -- the other portions are with various colleagues out there. I am retaining this section, uncut, for further study and future reference.
1. The Galaxy Center now appears to be developing a new B.H.!
2. Cygnus is apparently real, massive, and close by?
3. Cygnus may have developed early in 1992 and became more massive and energetic by the summer of 1992?
The information here is for your interest only. It may or may not be relevant to the present Midwest flood problems. I will not pursue this further for the present, except that I may make a 2-day run on the earth g-field on the Rustrak to see if my g-field variation is now associated with Cygnus. Perhaps some of you may do more? The equipment I used for these tests are described in the Jan. 1989 issue of Radio-Electronics Electronic Experimenter. Any GW gravimeter designed to monitor fairly rapid GW signals is okay to use. Use of simple analog-type (meter-type) chart recorder, such as the Esterline-Angus units, is recommended for "fast" scans. Potentiometric or servo type recorders have fast responses and thus also record much superfluous and thus annoying "fine structure". The inertia of the meter type recorders tend to filter out much of that excessively fine response.