

Gravitaiton in the Newtonian (and Rhysmonic) sense is a field theory which has physical reality and thus can possess an energy-momentum density. Moreover, the energy-momentum may be transferred by the field "instantaneously" (more accurately in the Planck time interval of about 5.4 x 10-44 seconds) to any region of the universe. This does not imply that there is a physical movement of local space structure over these distances any ore than water is moved in water waves or air is moved in sound waves. Only the effect is transferred. This mechanism is more fully discussed in my Monograph. Therefore, the gravitational field in Newtonian gravitation (and in Rhysmonic gravitation) is a physical field which can carry energy and momentum. The physicality is due to the sub-structure of space, the rhysmoid (or aether, if you wish), which is a plenum and not an empty space. Even Einstein admitted to the physical reality of space, but most Relativisits either ignore it or wish he had never stated that.
Einstein started off by denying (ignoring, actually) any physical reality to space and proceeded from purely mathematical and geometric considerations in describing space. He developed "field" equations of the metric of space-time by forming tensor quantities from the field functions and their derivatives. From this he concluded that "matter" could influence the metric of space-time. However, this approach does not allow the consideration of the gravitational field as a physical field capable of carrying energy and momentum. Therefore, most Relativists will deny the existence of any energy transfer on this basis, except in the case of quadrupole-type gravitational radiation, which in reality is but a form of electromagnetic type radiation. Moreover, the quadrupole radiation involves at least two rather slow moving masses and thus will have very low frequencies and thus extremely low energy content, while propagating at the same speed as light. Thus such signals will take a long time to span astronomical distances and suffer much losses in the process, and thus would be very difficult to detect. Nonetheless, I believe that I have detected such signals using the EM detection capabilities of my detectors. However, as you now know, I concentrate mainly on the Newtonian type force field gradient gravitational impulses which generally are received as "noise" signals, but with the proper detection circuitry they can reveal their hidden "secrets".
Scalar-Type Fields
Scalar fields and scalar waves are used in many concepts now, but I use the term scalar field in the original context of E.T. Whittaker, who developed the concept in his classic paper of 1903. To paraphrase him, "When two vectors are directed parallel to each other in some fixed direction in space, they can be fully specified by their magnitude only, and thus by two scalar quantities only". This greatly simplifies the interaction and analysis of fields in terms of their scalar aspects. In this case, the fields interact in a simple algebraic superposition of fields, with no need to use vector or tensor analysis.
Scalar fields in this sense may be considered as fields of potentials in the rhysmoid (or aether). Pure spatial potential fields are not "observable" since they do not produce any force gradients which can interact with other gradients or energy density functions (matter) to make their presence known. However, any field gradients (energy gradients) or variations in this energy density will be recognized as fields and matter in this context. Thus the concepts of matter and energy are fundamental to our recognition of a physical universe.
Scalar Field Interactions
Scalar-type fields and interactions can be developed by many processes, but I will limit myself to the interactions with the earth’s gravity field as a way of illustrating such interactions. That the earth’s gravity field is a well-defined scalar-type field in the aether (or rhysmoid) and thus a function of the substratum or plenum of space, with high penetration powers, i.e., impervious to shielding effects, should be quite apparent to experimenters and amateur scientists who are not encumbered by the Relativists’ view of gravitation. This is a relatively strong force gradient field, and at any particular observer’s position, may be considered as a parallel field directed toward his earth center. Thus it is possible to "generate" local scalar-type fields which are parallel to the earth’s gravity-field and actually observe these interactions (as given in my many simple experiments). Many other simple and some not so simple demonstrations are also possible. However, I will emphasize only some aspects which involve scalar-type fields developed in or generated by simple capacitor elements.
Interaction in a Capacitor
The earth’s gravity field is a readily available scalar-type field which contains many gradients (i.e., impulse) as well as an averaged gradient level which can interact with the dielectric structure of the capacitor element. This interaction is possible since the electron-ion structure of the dielectric is a "bound" structure and thus may be subject to "polarization" by the force gradients in the gravity electrons, or "free" ions, except under special conditions. For example, if a plasma of free electrons and ions in a gas tube are "directed" in a particular parallel direction by a small local magnetic field, the interaction of such a plasma with the gravity field may be possible. (See my experiment).
Returning to the dielectric, the vertical gravity gradients can "polarize" the electron-ion structure of the dielectric in the capacitor (possible in a physical field theory) to set up an internal scalar-type E-field in the capacitor. This scalar E-field may, in turn, "charge" the capacitor plates to drive a small external current flow in the capacitor circuitry.
The reverse process may take place also. A voltage applied to the capacitor plates by an external source can "polarize" the electron-ion structure of the dielectric of the capacitor. When the voltage is suddenly removed, the dielectric returns to its unstressed condition with the development of a scalar-type E-field impulse which can leave the capacitor in very much the same way a gravitational impulse field had entered the capacitor. Both o these fields are immune to shielding and have very long range. It should be noted that these are truly scalar-type fields, divorced from accompanying electromagnetic (EM) radiations since there is no real drift of electrons or ions in this process.
Some "drift effects" or impulses as seen in LED devices, for example, may result in an emission of light (an EM radiation) as an electron in an atom "drops" to a lower orbit. However, in this case, the ion is relatively immobile and the "effects" are due to the "drift", so to speak, of the electron alone. In another process (see Note above), it is possible to develop in a bound electron-ion structure (under certain conditions) an interaction with pure scalar-type fields, e.g., the gravitational field, where polarization can take place, and vice versa, where polarization effects can develop pure "radiated" scalar-type fields.
There are many ways to develop such scalar field "transducers", since may electron devices satisfy the above requirements, more or less. These include solid state devices such as diodes and transistors as well as plasma devices such as gas tubes or even the avalanche effects in solid state devices. The gravity signal detectors that I have developed largely take advantage of the tremendous amplification factors from IC devices to develop useful output signal levels from these various low level process. The prudent use of circuitry enables the extraction of latent information and energy in these "noisy" gravity signals.