As some of you now know, I have been using Rhysmonic techniques in astronomical observations since about 1970 -- early in the development of my Rhysmonic Cosmology. Some thoughts on this appeared in a three-part paper that was highly edited but published as "Gravity Impulses" in the Radio Electronics Experimenters’ Handbook (1989). Much more appeared as well in many other Notes and papers released by me in the past.
This particular Note, however, is inspired by a paper by Don Reed, "Torsion Field Research and Implications for New Physics and Energy Technologies" as published in the Journal of New Energy, Vol. 4, No. 2 (1999). By the way, an edited version of my Cosmology Note of 10-20-98, "Extraction of Energy Directly from the Aether" also appeared in that same issue of JNE in a paper published by Bill Ramsay, "New Energy and Hodowanec’s Rhysmonic Cosmology".
Returning to Don Reed’s paper, I was impressed by the reference to "torsion field" astronomy telescope experiments made by N. Kozyrev (with V.V. Nasonov) where torsion fields (G-fields?) were used to "observe" the gravitational position of stars as being displaced from the optical image of the star -- implying much different "propagation" rates the "torsion field" and the EM (optical) fields (almost "instantaneous" for torsion fields!). This is definitely in agreement with my Rhysmonic Cosmology. I will elaborate more:
The Kozyrev system used small resistors in a balanced-bridge configuration, where the "sensing" resistor was located behind a slit that was also placed in the optical path of the telescope. The small changes in resistance of the sensing resistor (or the impulse currents developed in that resistor?) are caused by gravitational effects and would result in small voltage changes in the bridge network. This voltage was amplified and then measured by some device (meter, scope, chart recorder, etc.) Many materials and devices respond to gravitational impulses (torsion fields?). I used a small resistor as the sensing element in a version of my GW field detectors (as noted in the R.E. article above). But now let’s look at Figure (1):
Not to scale!
1. T is the Optical Position of the Sun, Point 0
2. T1 is the True Gravitational Position of the Sun, Point 1
3. T2 is the Reflected Gravitational Position of the Sun, Point 2
4. T-T1 ~ 8.3 minutes Time Difference
5. Earth is assumed at Position E
6. A spherical Euclidian Universe is assumed (Rhysmonic Cosmology)
7. Angle O is very small!
8. For ease in depiction, a large angle O is used; thus, only about 30 gravitational reflections are shown. In reality, many, many reflections occur! Also, for ease in depiction, a planar condition is shown.
Figure (1) is a simplified depiction of how Kozyrev may have observed stars gravitationally. There I use our Sun as the star. Kozyrev observed that when his system was optically aligned with the star, a weak response was seen (even when optically shielded). If, however, he moved the telescope slightly to one side of the optical image (East or West?), he noticed a much increased response! He reasoned that this type of response could be due to the fact that the gravitational (torsion field?) "propagation" must be many orders of magnitude faster compared to the slower EM field weak response of the optical image. Thus the gravitational image response would "appear" before the optical image response. Moreover, he also noted a similar response when the telescope was "panned" equally to the other side of the optical image! He had no explanation for this other than to say that this was a "future" position of the star. In Figure (1) I give the Rhysmonic explanation.
Rhysmonics postulates the Universe to be Euclidian in geometry and spherical in form and also to perfectly reflect all forms of radiant energy from the Universe edge. I believe the Earth to be located in a position somewhat inside the outer edge of the central "material" portion of the Universe (See my Rhysmonic Cosmology for more details). Using this as a basis, the simplified planar sketch of Figure (1) explains his result. The Earth is shown as located at position E. Any gravitational impulse directed through the Earth and the Universe Center would reflect just directly back on itself and thus tend to cancel. However, any active gravitational impulse that does not line up with the Universe center will result in repeated reflections of the edge of the Universe as depicted in Figure (1). For example, in this depiction, when the Sun is in its actual position, T1 (gravitational path E-T1), the Sun’s gravitational effects will "bounce" off the Universe edge 30 times before returning "instantly" to this same path and thus would be noted as an "additive" response in the system. But notice that a reflection point also appears at gravitational path E-T2 equidistant from the Sun’s apparent position also! This could well be the other torsion (?) image appearing in Kozyrev’s test?
II. Conclusions ~
1. While the gravitational impulses from our Sun would precede the optical image by about 8.3 minutes, the angle O would be extremely small and possibly not measurable here on Earth. While I do not know on which star Kozyrev conducted his tests, it probably was quite distant for him to obtain a measurable angle O.
2. Repeating gravitational phenomena have appeared throughout my many tests in Rhysmonics and had been reported to you in many Notes and articles (both published and unpublished)! That phenomenon is fundamental in Rhysmonic Cosmology. Such phenomena (in integrated form) may be the basis of the Microwave background Radiation in the Universe. It can, however, be resolved into l/f and white noise components. I look at these components as the zero-point energy under consideration today. Of more importance, however, is the basic Rhysmonic G-field energy, which is really the sole intrinsic energy source of the Universe!
3. Much of the repeating gravitational phenomena involve the rotation of the Earth, especially with regard to the g-fields of the Earth. One example is to "modulate" the g-fields by moving a mass, say at 100 Hz every 10 seconds. Do this for a minute or so. Due to the Earth’s rotation, these impulses will then repeat (based on the above depiction) every 10 seconds for may hours (at that location), even days, or until other Universe events finally dissipate (or mask) that energy.
While simple GW detectors will illustrate the above effects, more elaborate GW detectors ("tuned" to the musical scale) will repeat simple musical tunes (as per Bill Ramsay’s Cosmic Organ)! Again, this will repeat for many hours after the "activation" of the simple tune had ceased!
4. More effort is required (by others) to explore and utilize these simple techniques! How about you, my colleagues?