More Comments on Rhysmonics

( 8-21-02 )

A. Basics

The substrate of our Universe (in Rhysmonics) is basically a mechanical structure which is defined by Planck’s Natural Units (both the original and also the many others since defined). The basic particle is the rhysmon which constructs a repeating matrix structure which has the mechanical attributes of mass,length, and time.

Mass: The mass of the rhysmon may be determined from various relations using other fundamental constants as presently determined experimentally. That mass is presently known as Planck mass, M*.

M* ~ 2.177 x 10-5 gm (DGS system)

This is the fundamental mass unit in the undisturbed universe; all other masses are thus only multiples of it. However, determined masses may be modified by some other effects in the structure of the rhysmoid (aether if you wish).

Length: The fundamental length unit in the Rhysmonic universe is the basic energy impulse vector length in the undisturbed matrix structure of the rhysmoid. This vector is presently known as the Planck Length, L*.

L* ~ 1.616 x 10-33 cm (CGS system).

This is the fundamental length unit in the undisturbed universe; all other lengths are multiples of it, but the determined lengths may also be modified by some other effects in the rhysmoid.

Time: The fundamental time unit in the universe is related to the action time of the impulse vector, L*. This is a real time which can be related to our own ‘existence’ time. It is presently known as Planck Time, T*.

T* ~ 5.391 x 10-44 sec.(CGS system).

This is the fundamental time unit in the universe but it is invariant; all other time units are direct multiples of it!


B. Expansions

Since in Rhysmonic Cosmology the matrix structure of the universe consists of only rhysmons and a so-called void, many other so-called ‘constant’ can be developed from M*, L*, and T* as well as other constructions of these units. One example is the Planck Velocity, C*.

C* = L* / T* ~ 2.997 x 1010 cm/sec (CGS system)

This will be recognized as the so-called speed of light, C (transverse EM waves) in the undisturbed universe. A useful expression is:

C* = ( L* / T8 )2 ~ 8.982 x 1020 cm2/sec2.

It is interesting to note how interrelated these fundamental units are in the various so=called constants of the Universe. For example:

G = gravitational constant (Newton) = L* C*2 / M* ~ 6.667 x 10-8 cm3/gm sec2 (CGS system).

Thus also:

L* = GM* / C*2 ~ 1.616 x 10-33 cm.

M* = L* C*2 / G ~ 2.177 x 10-5 gm.

While tehse and many other so-called constants may be determined in many other experimental and/or mathematical expressions, they all will involve only M*, L*, and T*! The reason for this is that our basic uni verse substrate is a simple structure (system) when undisturbed, involving only the rhysmon with a mass, M*, and the attributes of a length, L*, and a time, T*. For example, kinetic energy involves only a mass in a relative aether movement, i.e., a velocity, v, and thus:

KE = mv2 or E* = M*C*2.

Thus, the fundamental unit of kinetic energy is:

E* = M*C*2 ~ 1.96 x 1016 ergs (CGS system).


C. Conclusions

It is but a simple mathematical exercise to show that all physical constants (and their numerics) are but a function of M*, L*, and T*.

All else (which can be quite complicated) is but a re-structuring and re-energizing of the matrix structure into the myriad elements and compounds of our third dimensional universe. We actually view this third dimensional universe through our minds, senses, and instruments. There is much more that one can do in thse studies. I hope that many of you will do so!