‘New Energy’ and Hodowanec’s Rhysmonic Cosmology


Bill Ramsay

Journal of New Energy, Vol. 4, #2 (Fall 1999)



Four decades ago (then employed and now retired) research physicist Gregory Hodowanec (pronounced (Hoe-doe-wahn-eck) began conceptualizing a new cosmology. Hodowanec’s concept did not then and does not now use, as a starting point, an obsession with ‘unifying’ the various forces. After reading about Max Planck’s Theory of Heat Radiation, Hodowanec adopted Planck’s suggestion that derived Universal Constants could be used as Universal Natural Units. At this level resides the prime moving force which results in the structure and the fabric out of which the universe is crafted. This paper discusses some of Hodowanec’s hands-on experiments and theoretical work. The heart of this paper is Hodowanec’s most recent, and possibly last, detailed Cosmology Note; the last in a series of many over the years sent to a handful of interested colleagues. It was his intention when he composed it and mine in offering it here that some will find inspiration and will approach the reading of and the content of this information with an open and uncluttered mind.



This latest, and possibly last, Cosmology note from Gregory Hodowanec will serve as an update for those who have a copy of the compilation of the bulk of his work Hodowanec’s Rhysmonic Cosmology (1). For those who know little or nothing of his work, this paper will serve as a brief introduction, For aid in the reading of this paper, see Table 1 which has most of Hodowanec’s natural units and their mathematical derivatives. These units are rooted in Max Planck’s Universal Constants. Also added are some definitions and the four basic Postulated of Hodowanec’s Cosmology. In the References are listed some of the material in the two volume book (1)

Do not make the error of dismissing the entirety of Hodowanec’s work simply because of some premise, postulate, conclusion, or experimental result that does not conform to current scientific notions or belief’s. The reader is encouraged not to stumble over choices and uses of words but to become familiar with the author’s style and intent. For example, many observations of faster-than-light phenomena have now been made as expected by Hodowanec. If there are some basic concepts (aether, force, action, mover, or whatever) underlying and responsible for the creation of all else then, by definition and of necessity, such a concept must be every place present or else the concept cannot be basic. An example: these concepts are within the ubiquitous noise of all electronic devices and systems; the fluctuations of earth’s gravity fields; the nature of sound and EM propagation; the nature of sub-atomic particles, stars, planets, galaxies, black holes, etc., the noises of technology; and the nature of solar flares, seismic flares, the jet-streams. These concepts are manifested (and usually ignored) every place else there is. Hodowanec recognized that the means, methods, and techniques, he developed are crude and require further developments. This topic relates to New Energy because these concepts are everywhere present and every palce active.


Table 1 ~ Planck-Rhysmonic Units

H (Planck’s Constant) ~ 6.624-27 erg-sec.

h (Planck’s Reduced Constant) ~ 1.054-27 erg-sec.

L* (Planck’s Length) ~ 1.616-33 cm.* = h / T* = 1.95616 ergs

T* (Planck’s Time) ~ 5.391-44 sec.

C* (Planck Velocity) = L* / T* = C ~ 2.997 10 cm/sec.

M* (Planck Mass) ~ 2.177 –5 gm

L*3 (Planck Volume) ~ 4.22-99 cm3.

D* (Planck Density) ~ 5.157 93 gm/cm3.


Rhysmon Parameters:

Rhysmon Radius = 1.62-66 cm

Rhysmon Volume ~ 1.78-197 cm3

Rhysmon Number ~ 2.37 98 rhysmons/cm3.


Derived Rhysmon Units:

A* (Action of Rhysmon) = h/2 pi = h – E*T* = E* / f* ~ 1.054-27 erg-sec.

E* (Energy of Rhysmon) = M*C* = F*L* = h / T* ~ 1.956 16 ergs.

F* (Energy of Rhysmon) = M*C* = F*L* = h / T* ~ 1.956 16 ergs.

f* (Rhysmon Frequency) = 1 / T* = E* / A* ~ 1.85 43 Hz (CPS).

a* (Rhysmonic Acceleration) = F* / M* = L* / T*2 ~ 5.56 53 cm/sec2.


Visible Universe Parameters:

R0 (Radius) ~ 1.12 28 cm.

V0 (Volume) ~ 6.284 cm3

M0 (Mass) ~ 3.2 178 gm.

N0 (Number of Rhysmons) ~ 1.47183.

E0 (Energy) ~ 2.9199 ergs.

Some of the above are preliminary and may be changed.


Rhysmonic Postulates:

(1) The universe is a finite, spherical, matrix structure which has finite energy content which is a function of its size.

(2) The universe is Euclidian in geometry.

(3) The edge of the universe is a perfect reflector of radiant energy; therefore, the universe is a perfect black body.

(4) Matter particles (mass) form only in the central region of the spherical universe.


Selected Definitions:

Rhysmon: The fundamental ‘particle’ in the substratum of our universe. In a matrix structure it makes up the very fabric of our universe. It moves in a closed ‘circular’ path and has one quantum unit of action, the Planck Constant, h. Rhysmon; from the Greek for ‘ever-moving’.

Rhysmoid: The sum total of rhysmons in the matrix structure of the perfectly spherical structure which is out universe. Undisturbed, this is a perfectly interlocking mechanical structure forming our so-called vacuum.

Rhysmonic Impulse: A short directed vector of rhysmonic energy resulting from the matrix structure of the universe. This vector is approximately 10-33 cm long and contains a quantum of action, ***h. In a pure rhysmoid, these energy vectors cancel and no phenomena exist. Any modification or disturbance in this structure results in phenomena known as particles or fields.

Rhysmonic Particle:  These are localized structures and exist where there are excesses or deficiencies of rhysmons in the matrix structure as compared to the pure rhysmoid. The geometry of these structures could be very stable, forming the known masses, or transitory forming the many short-lived particles.

Rhysmonic Forces or Fields: A perturbed rhysmonic matrix structure results in excess directed impulse vectors which are not cancelled and thus manifest themselves as a force or a field of force. The known force fields are but different aspects of these excess directed rhysmonic energy vectors.

Rhysmonic Charge: The same as electrical charge. The result of excesses or deficiencies of rhysmons which are not cancelled and thus act as sources or sinks for excess directed rhysmonic impulse vectors. The flow of excess directed vectors from the source to a sink forms the entity known as an electric field.