Notes on the Nature of the Microwave Background Radiation (MBR)

( 5-1-1985 )


Microwave Background Radiation


A. Calculated Hubble Factor, H*:

Increment per field reversal ~ = 1.14 x 1028 cm (Ro) / 4 x 10-5 cm (Delta Lambda) ~ =
0.285 x 1033 increments

H* (factor) ~ = 2 (0.285 x 1033)-1 cm ~ = 5.7 x 10-33 cm


B. Calculations:

H* = Delata Lambda / L (distance), or: L (distance – Delata Lambda / H*)

(1) For MBR to be EM waves, reduced to about 0.3 cm (measured peak of MBR), then

L ~ = 0.3 cm (Delta Lambda) ~ = 0.045 x 1033 cm ~ = 4.5 x 1031 cm ~ = R (estimated).

(2) With Ro ~ = 1.2 x 1028 cm and R (est.) ~ = 4.5 x 1031 cm, then

Ratio ~ = 4.5 x 1031 / 1.2 x 1028 ~ = 3.75 x 1-3 ~ = 3750 X !


C. Conclusion:

For the MBR to be EM radiation, the universe radius must be in the order of 3750 x the radius of the visible universe, which is absurd!