Press Release

( 3-12-1987 )


A Recently Observed Explosive Event in the Galaxy Center is Predicted to Affect Conditions Here on Earth

The Galaxy Center, which had been relatively stable for at least the past 30,000 years or so, had apparently undergone a drastic change on about December 5, 1986, according to information obtained from a gravity signal detection system invented by Gregory Hodowanec of Newark, NJ, a retired research physicist. The system is based on a new cosmology developed by the inventor and depends upon electrogravitic effects for its operation. The units, according to the inventor, detect variations in the Earth’s gravity field due to perturbations of this field by various gravitational effects in the universe such as the dynamic mass movements caused by novae, oscillating, rotating, or otherwise moving large masses, as well as the dense static masses, such as apparent ‘black hole’ structures which can cause gravitational ‘shadows’ to appear in the system’s response. According to the inventor’s theories, these gravitational signals are of longitudinal type and ‘propagate’ essentially instantaneously and not at the speed of light as is predicted for the Einstein quadrature-type signals.


The inventor had been ‘observing’ the Galaxy Center recently in order to obtain some recorded strip chart scans of the structure there which could be helpful to some amateur radio astronomers who were interested in these techniques. On December 1 and 2, 1986, the inventor noted what appeared to be a movement of a mass in that structure towards the central mass in the structure. This may have been initiated by what appeared to be a close-by supernova event also noted on December 1 and 2, 1986. Unfortunately, the Center was not scanned again until December 6, 1986, at which time it was noted that the original Galaxy Center structure (which was relatively unchanged during the past 5-6 years of observation) had disappeared and a new very deep ‘black hole and accretion ring’ type of structure now appeared here! Operation of the detection system in its gravity ‘noise’ mode at this time indicated a sharp and very turbulent increase in noise response, probably due to the outward-moving shock wave induced ‘debris ring’ proceeding from this supernova-type event that occurred at the Galaxy Center. Because of the violence and rapid velocity of these gravitational ‘winds’, the scientific community was alerted on December 8, 1986 (through the National Science Foundation) to look for possible reactions here on Earth, mainly changes in the atmosphere in the northern hemisphere around the 60 N Latitude which could affect the weather patterns in those latitudes. A request was also made to look for possible effects in the atmospheres of the sun and pertinent planets. While further observations and the development of the new Center were noted and reported to NSF, it is not known if those inputs were heeded by that agency. However, as is well known now, the weather patterns in the northern hemisphere have been highly unusual since about the middle of December 1986, and that could well be attributable to the very strong ‘gravity winds’ which introduced a new horizontal component of gravity in those latitudes. The winds which are proceeding from the direction of the Galaxy Center are probably affecting the normal jet stream patterns.


In addition to the prediction that weather conditions around the 60 N Latitude regions (much land mass there) could be affected by this event at the Galaxy Center, it was also predicted that any unstable Earth structures in the region of 30 S Latitude could also be affected as possible increases in earthquake activity. Since the vertical component of the gravity ‘winds’ would apparently increase the normal gravity force there. Another prediction was that starlight traveling through ‘disturbed’ gas clouds could result in an increased ‘twinkling’ effect. Such effects would be initially noted by the effects of ‘nearby’ clouds, but should become more pronounced in time as the more distant clouds become effective (due to the finite time for propagaton of light signals). At the present time, the inventor has noted a possible increase for the ‘twinkling’ of the star Sirius.


The observational techniques of the inventor are very simple and are very low in cost and have been released to some experimenter and amateur radio astronomer publications, as well as directly to some interested private researchers. The conventional (orthodox) scientific community has, thus far, chosen largely to ignore these techniques. The inventor will leave it to independent observations of the predicted ‘observable’ results of the event in the Galaxy Center to confirm the reality and validity of his gravity detection methods, and thus the possible long-range effects of the event on conditions here on our Earth as well as other planets (as well as the Galaxy itself).


Note added (August 15, 1987):


It is believed tat the Galaxy Center event of about Dec. 5, 1986, also triggered at the same time a supernova much closer-by which lay on the same meridian as the Galaxy Center. These events were observed on Dec. 6, 1986 and the resulting ‘black holes and accretion rings’ have been present since that time. The two events can be separated when observing the Galaxy Center through the Earth. The other event, which appears to be in-line with the star Betelgeuse in Orion, might have been the demise of Betelgeuse. The strong ‘gravity winds’ which have caused so much abnormal weather changes since about Dec. 5, 1986, may have come from the Betelgeuse event, rather than from the Galaxy Center event. More important, if Betelgeuse did go supernova, the Earth can expect a ‘firestorm’ of EM radiations in about 300 years time!


Note added (October 8, 1987):


A supernova event from the general direction of Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion could also result in an increase in gravity in the general region of 30 N Latitude. Perhaps, a slight increase in gravity levels was responsible for the recent series of California earthquakes? While the event at the Galaxy Center would have the effect of reducing gravity, the closeness of the Betelgeuse event would prevail, resulting in a net increase of gravity levels there.


Note added (April 30, 1988):


A new supernova-type event was noted on the same meridian as the Galaxy Center on March 31, 1988. This new event ‘swamped’ the scan of the Center and did not move off for many days. After about two weeks time, the ‘interloper’ was not longer ‘seen’. However, very strong gravity ‘winds’ from this event are still present at this date. GW detectors, weight scales, and l/f noise detectors, including the gas tube device are much noisier than they have ever been! Perhaps, this may have been a more ‘local’ event than at the Galaxy Center region.