Retest of First GW Circuit

( 9-14-1985 )

GW Circuit

A. Basic Circuit Remarks:

(1) Capacitor C1 must be ‘formed’ with normal + charge, then fully discharged.

(2) Due to sensitivity, 50 uA meter must have at least 25K series resistance ( ~ = +/- 125 mV, )

(3) Not sure if GW effects or RF effects are present (mostly RF?).

(4) C1 at 22,000 uF to 15,000 uF, very much like 1-3 above. C1 at 3,200 uF is in between; some RF present; more GW effects. With C1 ~ = 1,000 uF or lower, mostly GW effects.

(5) With C1 ~ = 10 uF, some RF effects, but faint GW pulse (supernova) effects.

(6) With C1 ~ = 1 uF, ‘strong’ GW pulse (supernova) effects. With C1 ~ = -22 uF, normal GW effects?


B. Conclusions:

(1) To a large measure, the early 1975 experiments were duplicated.

(2) RF effects are largely due to the close presence of FM station (WSOU at Seton Hall).

(3) The very strong so-called GW effects seen with the 22,000 uF capacitor are most likely Doppler RF effects.