Rhysmonic (Planck) Natural Resonance Revisited



A. Background

Rhysmonic Cosmology has postulated that the essence of the Universe may be related to a basic particle (now named rhysmon by me) which is extremely active but yet also highly localized in a matrix-type structure. It is defined by Planck’s natural units. See my Cosmology for more details. Thus such a structure might be (in reality) the long sought aether? Moreover, rhysmonics postulates that the presently known universe may consist of only this particle and the void. Void is used here in the sense of being an "undetected" spatial region using our present stage of knowledge -- but it might well yet have some sort of other even finer structure? Moreover, this rhysmoid (or aether, if you wish) is also postulated to be a perfect mechanical structure which has a vibratory or oscillating characteristic at a frequency determined by the Planck Natural units. This frequency has been termed f*, and is fundamental to the Universe. Therefore:

f*  » 1 / T* » 1 / 5.3906 x 10-44 sec. » 1.855 x 1043 Hz

T* here is Planck Time. As was shown in rhysmonics, the basic cell structure of the matrix may be subject to only small variations in Planck Length, L*, but the basic cell structure itself, however, remains intact, i.e., there is no fluid-type movement of the rhysmons in this structure. The rhysmonic particle (though extremely small) is characterized by an essence related to mass, and thus is defined as having a mass, M*, as is determined in the Planck relations. Perhaps this particle could also be considered as the point mass of Newton, but the nature of it would only be conjecture at this time. It also must be emphasized that in the vibratory or oscillating frequency, f*, no single rhysmonic particle movement over a range of Universe dimension exists. Effects of Universe dimensions are seen only as energy transfer effects. There can be interactions with other rhysmonic effects, e.g., EM fields, or even with localized variation in the density of the rhysmonic matrix structure. These density variations are recognizable as the matter in the Universe -- with or without the attribute called charge. Much on this has been discussed in the past. Here in particular I wish to remark on some Natural Resonances which will be associated with sub-harmonics of the Rhysmonic frequency, f*. Some of these Natural Resonant Frequencies are given in Table I and Table II.

B. Experimental Results

While Rhysmonics has revealed that many Natural Resonance interactions are possible in our Universe, I will stay here mainly with some of the results I saw in my past efforts with the so-called Mini-MRA (Magnetic Resonance Amplifier). See my reports on this. The Mini-MRA is a low-level version of the original MRA as revealed by McClain and Wootan in December 1995. I will summarize a few results here:

1. All of my Mini-MRA tests involved a sub-harmonic of fundamental Rhysmonic (Planck) frequency, f*, and occurred in the range of about 5 KHz to 200 KHz; refer to Table I. In general, there would be an optimum frequency for interaction, depending on the nature of the ferrite core used in that magnetic resonance. For example, my original test used a small surplus pulse transformer having a 5mH rating and a 5:1 coil transfer ration. Most tests with this particular transformer had optimum performance at fo = 77.91 KHz, a rhysmonic sub-harmonic frequency! Early tests were reported as 78-80 KHz due to the use of a tube-type signal source dial scale reading. However, my frequency meter showed the operating point to be 77.9 KHz! Performance at other nearby natural resonances were also seen as a function of circuit parameter changes. Some instabilities were also seen due to the Mini-MRA interaction with solid state sources (especially with the close proximity of such sources) The tube-type signal generators did not appear to be so affected and always gave true optimum interaction frequencies. Many of these tests (not all) have been released to you. In any event, all resonant tests did involve a sub-harmonic frequency as given in Table I.

2. Mini-MRA tests actually extract some energy from the universal G-field (which really expresses the vibratory fundamental frequency structure of the Universe). See my past works. The tests may be summarized as follows:

a. Interaction only and not much energy extraction.

b. Interaction and energy extraction to the point where the system requirements were met, i.e., the system was self-sustaining in that the extracted energy kept the operating batteries fully charged.

c. Interaction and energy extraction to the point where all system requirements were met plus much excess extracted energy was also seen. Here, the system was in the so-called stand-alone mode, with no other local energy sources needed or present. However, this was only achieved for relatively short periods to date since there were usually some adverse interactions between the Mini-MRA and my special design low-level solid-state signal source used in very close proximity to the MRA. I am confident that that problem will be solved and a true permanently running stand-alone system will be demonstrated!

C. Some Other Test Results

Other test systems have also verified the presence of a Universal G-field (the manifestation of the basic f* universal frequency). Some are briefly listed here:

1. GW detectors (which now appear in many versions) have verified many terrestrial effects as well as other astronomical effects. The astronomical effects included real-time observations of universe structure and also events, e.g., novae and supernovae. Also, long distance instantaneous Morse Code communications have also been achieved! GW detectors in specialized systems have also provided two-dimensional gravitational views of the Universe (in a narrow segment) using drift-scanning techniques, e.g., the Earth’s rotation.

2. Interesting repeating penomena have also been observed. A recent Cosmology Note (10/5/01) applied such G-field effects to a star detection system devised by the Russians (N.A. Kozyrev in particular)

3. Basically GW-type detection systems are also soon in some commercial low-frequency function generators. These have been used by Bill Ramsay and others in the Table II range to monitor some G-field effects present in our solar system.

4. Numerous other resonances have been noted in our Universe, both at large and small scales. For example, biological and permanent magnet rotary effects could possibly be related to f* or a subharmonic to it?

II. Some Remarks & Conclusions

1. Cosmology notes are directed mainly at a very few of my colleagues who are quite familiar with my Cosmology and are meant to keep their interest in it. Thus, in these Notes no references are generally given. I realize that this would result in much "out of context" material to the casual reader; sorry about that.

2. Again, I apologize for the crudeness of the and-written Notes (This one was transcribed to a word-processor). Present circumstances deem it to be quickly written "off the top of my head". Therefore, it does not properly express all the possibilities and experimental results that a more carefully prepared work would do.

3. In any event, I hope that it shows that Rhysmonic Cosmology is very real, but that it requires more research support for further development by open-minded researchers such as you. I am highly indebted to Bill Ramsay for his much appreciated many contributions to this effort over the years. Thank you Bill!

Table I ~ Some Natural Resonances Referenced to 1.85 Hz

1.855     x 1 Ref.
3.71       x 2
5.565     x 3
7.42       x 4
9.275     x 5
11.13     x 6
12.985   x 7
14.84     x 8
16.695   x 9
18.55     x 10
20.405   x 11
22.26     x 12
24.115   x 13
25.97     x 14
27.825   x 15
29.68     x 16
31.535   x 17
33.39     x 18
35.245   x 19
37.1       x 20
38.955   x 21
40.81     x 22
42.665   x 23
44.52     x 24
46.375   x 25
48.23     x 26
50.85     x 27
51.94     x 28
53.795   x 29
55.65     x 30
57.505   x 31
59.36     x 32
61.215   x 33
63.07     x 34
64.925   x 35
66.78     x 36
68.635   x 37
70.49     x 38
72.345   x 39
74.2       x 40
76.55     x 41
77.91     x 42
79.55     x 43
81.62     x 44
83.475   x 45
85.33     x 46
87.185   x 47
89.04     x 48
90.895   x 49
92.75     x 50
up to 1.855 x 1043 Hz! Note: Resonances can be scaled: x10, x 100, x1K, x10K, x100K, etc.

Table II ~ Some Natural Resonances Below 1 Hz

1.855           x 1 Ref.
0.9275         x 0.5
0.46375       x 0.25
0.231875     x 1/8
0.1159375   x 1/16
0.0579687   x 1/32
0.1855         x 0.01