Rhysmonic ‘Structure’ Revisited


A. Background

As you may now know my Rhysmonic Cosmology actually got started when I first became aware of Planck’s Natural units in 1959. I had a strong intuitive feeling at that time that those Natural units were really describing the basic structure of our Universe. This was supported by a conviction that Euclidian geometry would be the basis of that structure and also that the fundamental forces of nature would be only two-fold: linear momentum, i.,e., straight-line inertial forces, and angular momentum, i.e., circulatory inertial forces. The problem here was how to relate these two forces in a construction that would also be compatible with Planck’s Natural Units. Initially, I chose the closest packing of spheres as my guide. While I would not be looking at solid spheres in this case, I would be looking at spheres of influence which possibly could involve both linear motions and rotary motions. Therefore, to start, I placed six spheres in contact with a central sphere in a simple planar view. See Figure 1a. This resulted in the six spheres (or circles) developing common tangent points with each other and the central sphere (or circle). Note that the tangents at these points formed a hexagonal structure! This intrigued me since such a structure could repeat out to infinity. Again, by placing my postulated small basic particle at the tangent points, I would now have an instantaneous force-field diagram. This diagram is equivalent to a circumscribed hexagram in terms of Cartesian (Euclidian) geometry. Now, considering each circle to be the orbit of a rhysmon, expansion of this structure into an extended plane showed a possibility of two basic forces, linear and rotary, to co-exist in a repeating structure, provided the rhysmons intermeshed in the proper sequence! This has been depicted in my Cosmology booklet and in various papers and Notes. Refer to them for more details.

Further studies extended this structure to three dimensions (Cartesian) which could also build up to infinite volumes. This structure (or construct) was able to define Planck’s Constant (h) and also his reduced constant (?) in terms of an action, which is energy expressed as a function of time, i.e., energy times time. This energy (a quantum?) could now be expressed in terms of energy vectors, using the sides of the hexagon in the depiction. Remember, Figure 1a is an instantaneous view of the planar structure which is stopped in time! For every other instant in time, the various vectors could be directed in all possible directions in space (as controlled by the circulatory orbits of separate rhysmons). These short energy vectors could line up head-to-tail and thus create a much larger universe-wide energy vector limited only by Planck Time which would here remain constant). The constant could provide for rotary vectors in similar fashion. In the three-dimensional construction all possible directions in space are also possible, but these would be some coherent effects as shown in my works. You are referred to them for more details.

However, here I would like to mention a bit more on important characteristics of such a rhysmon matrix structure. That will be that the structure is vibratory (or oscillating) in that each universe-wide line energy vector reverses direction with Planck Time. That will be that the structure is vibratory (or oscillating) in that each universe-wide line energy vector reverses direction with Planck Time. This would be a function of the circulatory direction of each separate rhysmon. Thus, the universe-wide vectors would change direction as alternate circulating rhysmons come into play with each Planck Time segment. Therefore, a universal frequency, f*, is involved here which is of extreme importance in Rhysmonic Cosmology. See my Note of 10/20/01. This vibratory action is somewhat reminiscent of Whittaker’s bi-waves?? The individual head-to-tail linear vectors are also somewhat reminiscent of super-string theory?? More room for research here!

However, the construction of Figure 1a appeared tome to be too messy to depict clearly on paper. Therefore, I took the liberty of using the construction as shown in Figure 1b. This construct is equivalent to Figure 1a, but it is now more obvious to the human eye and thus clearer. Therefore, you will find the construct of Figure 1b in most of my works. Again, there is much more to the rhysmonic construction of the rhysmoid (or aether, if you wish) than can be given in a brief Note; but much of that has been covered in my many past releases to you.

However, in this particular Note I wish to apply this construction to some other effects which may further validate the reality of this cosmology and thus become a guide for further development by others to the advantage and its usefulness to mankind.

B. Some Applicable Observations

The rhysmonic construction of the Universe results in a relatively fixed or stationary aether. Thus, reference can be made with respect to this aether, e.g., linear or rotary effects may be referenced to this stationary aether. The energy vectors considered here will be related to G-fields as discussed in C. Note of 10/10/01. However, here on the earth’ surface, another directed energy vector (related to the G-field will be seen as the earth’s G-field. This G-field is actually the universal G-field as modified by the shielding action of earth’s mass. It results in a flux, the acceleration of gravity of about 32 ft/sec2, which is directed toward the earth’s center. Thus, many observed gravitational phenomena relate to one or the other (or both) of these aspects of the universal G-field. Some applied aspects are now considered:

1. Changes in a G-field

In a previous paper I described an experiment where charges were placed on a simple balance formed of soda straws. When a negative charge was placed on the end of a plastic soda straw, it was immediately depressed down by some force! When a positive charge was placed on the end of a paper straw it rose up, i.e., it levitated! I looked at this as an interaction with the earth’s G-field as shown in Figure 2. These effects might mainly be seen only near the earth’s surface where a ground plane may occur. Here, however, instead of a balance, I show the effects with a charged pith-ball. The method of images is used to illustrate this effect. In (a) the pith ball has a negative charge and its image charge (which is positive) results in an E-field type rhysmonic flux which opposes the G-field flux and thus the pith-ball is forced down. In (b) the pith ball has a positive charge and its image is negative. That results in a rhysmonic flux which is ‘attracted’ by the G-field. This last test is somewhat more difficult to observe since the charge and image are more separated and also due to the difficulty of placing a sufficient positive charge on an insulator. Now such effects might also be related to the earth’s strong natural electric field vector, which would be similarly directed as the earth’s G-field. However, I tried to eliminate that effect by running tests deep in a basement area where there might not be an earth E-field present? However, the test results were the same so the effects were most likely gravitational?

Now if all this is real, of what use can these effects be? From a purely speculative view, it might lead to:

(a) A method of developing an anti-gravity effect, e.g., a highly negatively charged sphere (UFO?) might rapidly rise (levitate) above the earth’s surface using the earth’s strong electric field vector gradient?

A proper charge level might lead to a hovering effect. Reduced charge levels could cause it to land. Science fiction here? No, all the above effects are confirmed at miniature levels in Millikan’s oil-drop experiment!

(b) A combination of high negative charge and charge rotation might also lead to other anti-gravity effects. For example, I ran an experiment where I charged the rim of a spinning plastic disc negatively. While I had essentially a static charge here (in the sense that my test was fixed in relative space) it was also a circulatory flow of electrons and thus a circular current. This current would develop a strong magnetic field (whose direction would depend on the direction of rotation). The axis of the spinning disc was in a vertical direction. The test appeared to show a much strong depressive force than the lifting force when the magnetic flux filed was in the same direction as the electric image field! Just coincidence, or confirmation of rhysmonic field effects? More work needed here!

2. Simple Pendulum Observations

In a previous section the interactions seen with the soda-straw-type balance primarily involved the earth g-fields. Thus, only vertical displacements were considered, the horizontal displacements were considered negligible. However, in the case of the simple pendulum both vertical (Delta Y) and horizontal (Delta X) displacement have to be considered. The simple pendulum consists of a weight (mass) suspended from a fixed point by a light string or other light weight material of length, l, as shown in Figure 3. The mass is pulled to one side and thus us given potential energy by the free will of the person doing the pulling (i.e., by an external force). The mass (bob) is released and it moves in an arc along the path ABC, where the potential energy at A is converted to maximum kinetic energy at B, and then back to potential energy at C. The process then repeats in the reverse direction. Using conservation of energy principles this will lead to simple harmonic motion equations (which can be even further more simplified by keeping the arc swing angle very small). Thus we arrive at the relation:

T (period) = 2 pi ( l / g )½  or 1 / 2 pi ( g / l )½

These are the normally used equations for the simple pendulum. Note that T and f are independent of the mass of the bob, but determined only by the values of l and g. However, in rhysmonics we have learned that, g, the earth’s gravitational ‘constant’, can vary, not only due to location but also due to certain cosmic effects! Lesser known is that the kinetic energy can also vary due to local effects and also to other cosmic effects! I will now consider some noted ones:

(a) Huygens’ Clocks

It has been noted (originally by Huygens) that similar-type pendulum clocks mounted on a wall (separated but in a horizontal line) which were started asynchronously originally would become synchronous in due time as depicted in Figure 4. This is due to mass movements in a straight line (i.e., linear momentum effects) which will affect the universe-wide vectors in that particular line of bobs. Conservation of energy would then require synergetic actions which would eventually result in the synchronization of the bob movements. In this case the source of the linear momentum was localized (the bobs), but a mass movement anywhere in the Universe which has a strong component in the particular line of the bobs, could possibly also affect the clocks. Thus some clock error could appear as a result!

(b) The Foucault Pendulum

This is a simple pendulum used to demonstrate the rotation of the earth. The bob here is a heavy weight and the suspension wire is many meters in length. This was done to make the swing period, T, very long and the bob kinetic energy long enough for many extended swings. Here, again, is a good example of the repeating action of the rhysmonic universe-wide energy vector actions which will maintain the plane of the swings invariable with respect to the fixed rhysmoid (aether) of the Universe. Due to the rotation of the earth this would result in an apparent rotation of the plane of the swings of 360 degrees in the course of a day. Hoever, due to some other effects, this would be true only at the earth’s geographic poles. There, the Foucault pendulum would be in essence a 24-hour clock!

(c) Saxl’s Charged Pendulum Tests

Dr Saxl in 1964 reported in Nature that when a torque-pendulum was charged positively it took longer to swing through its arc than when negatively charged! From this he questioned the constancy of G! However, rhysmonics theory maintains that, G, is a true constant, but that, g, the earth’s gravitational ‘constant’ could be variable as was considered earlier in this Note. We can verify Saxl’s observations as shown in Figure 5 where a simple pendulum is charged both positively and negatively. In Figure 5a the bob is charged positively and thus the image of E-fields and the g-fields are in the same direction. Thus, the weight of the bob is reduced (‘attracted’ by the g-field). This, in effect, is a reduction in g and thus the period, T, increases. In Figure 5b, the bob is charged negatively and thus the image E-field and g-field are in opposition and thus the apparent weight of the bob is increased. That is, in effect, an increase in g and thus the period, T, decreases. This is in agreement with Dr Saxl’s careful observations!

C. Conclusions

I have given a few experimentally determined observations which are readily explained by rhysmonic theory. There are many more such evidence that I obtained over the years, all of which lend credence to the theory. Perhaps, some of you may have also discovered other cases?

D. Remarks

This is the last long Note I intend to issue this year. Perhaps, short Notes on some particular aspect may yet be released. Meanwhile, over the winter period I intend to devote my very limited time to completion of some seven experimental and demo units which have been fabricated, but not as yet wired and tested. Some could be quite promising.