Rustrak 288 & Circuits #75, #130-A

( 12-1-1991 )

Basic system used for scan

I. Basic system used for scan of Figure 4(a). For this test, Rin in the #75 GW detector was set to 0 ohms. The LP filter has a cut-off of ~ 10 Hz. The Rustrak 288 is essentially a 0-100 mV meter. The GW # 75 uses a bipolar transistor (1458) with a +/- 9V supply.

Basic system used for scan 1

II. Basic system used for the scan of Figure 4(b). For this test, Rin in #130-A GW detector was 75 ohms. The LP filter was cut-off at ~ 10 Hz. The Rustrak 288 remains a 0-100 mV meter. The IC in the GW # 130-A was an ICL 7621 with a +/- 1.5 volt supply.

Basic system used for scan 2

III. Basic system used for scan of Figure 4(c). For this test Rin remained 75 ohms. The LP Filter is two-stage with cut-off less than 1 Hz. The Rustrak is a 0-1 V meter now. The system is now responding to more ‘local’ superclusters?

Figure 4a
Exploratory scan as determined with standard GW detector #75 and system shown in Figure 1

Standard GW detector #75

Figure 4b
Exploratory scan as determined with MOS GW detector # 130-A and system shown in Figure 1

MOS GW detector #130-A

Figure 4c
Exploratory scan as determined with MOS GW detector # 130-A and system shown in Figure 1

MOS GW detector # 130-A