Serendipity in Science

( 9-23-2006 )


A. Background

The history of science is replete with serendipitous observations, some of which were heeded, but many were not! An example of a heeded observation was that of Oersted in the action of a current in a wire on a nearby compass needle. This was followed by many other researchers, mainly by Faraday in his experimental researches. Theoretical credence was given to Faradays work by Maxwell. Tesla applied the basic principles to practical use, mainly in motors and generators. Thus a simple observation had led to the development of an electromagnetic theory which has since been applied in other ways and created many new industries!


B. Some Rhysmonic Serendipities.

1. Gravitational ‘Wave’ Detectors

The initial GW experiment was made to possibly observe local inertial effects on a capacitor which drove a very high gain IC amplifier circuit. A series of tests indicated the feasibility of such testing. Many tests were made with an audio amplifier as well as a meter in the output. However, when using a shielded large 10 uF in one test, perturbations were duly noted, but also strange pulsed ringing effects’ continued even though the perturbations were halted! I was awed by these low frequency (quite melodious) rings and it almost felt like the universe was responding to my testing! Further tests proved that these ‘signals’ were external to my environment and they were not shieldable! This led to the development of many other circuits which later proved the signals to be but longitudinal ‘scalar type waves’ being developed by the universe itself, truly a serendipitous discovery!

2. 2-D Type GW Signals

Bill Ramsay, a colleague and avid experimenter, built one of my early GW detector units and coupled it to a Rustrak chart recorder, to see how the signals would record. Fortunately, the Rustrak recorder uses a D’Arsonval meter unit where the freely moving coil and pointer are used to plot data points on the chart at a slow scan and coupling rate. Bill had expected to see a random scatter plot due to these signals but was surprised to also see ‘embedded figures in the scatter plots! I repeated his test and confirmed the embedded figures as being very similar to photos of dense astronomical bodies obtained by optical means! This, this appeared to be two-dimensional (2-D) views of a narrow segment of our Universe (on the meridian) as scanned by our rotating Earth! This was eventually confirmed in many controlled observations. Thus 2-D Gravitational Astronomy was ‘born as a result of Bills curiosity, i.e., serendipitously!

3. Sub-Audio GW Signals

With the response in (2) above showing useful GW information retrieval, Bill decided to couple a function generator to the Rustrak recorder unit to see what  (if anything) the chart recorder would produce. I may be wrong but I believe Bill may have arbitrarily decided to start with a frequency of 0.05 Hz and the triangular wave function. It may have been fortunate to do so for (1) the 0.05 Hz frequency could possibly be stabilized by any line voltage leakage present, and (b), the triangular wave would be synchronized to the clock rate of the motor driving the chart. The unit’s tuning capacitor could possibly act as the GW detector in this case?

Bill initially saw the random scatter plot he expected to se, but then decided to let the test run longer (overnight). To his surprise, the Rustrak unit developed beautiful Lissajous-type patterns at random times overnight! Further tests by Bill (and others) led to the conclusion that what was being detected was the very slow GW-type interactions between the various components of our Solar System! Serendipity again!


C. Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter

It was recently reported that Tesla may have arrived at his magnifier coil system also serendipitously! (Ref. 1). It seems that Tesla, in running one of his many tests, may have placed another similar coil system in the area (for some other reason?). Tesla may have also been surprised to see great activity in the so-called extra coil! Much of his later tests would use the extra coil to develop much higher output levels, thus the name magnifier coil! It is interesting to note here that Tesla operated at 50 Kc, 100 Kc, 130 Kc, and 150 Kc, all Rhysmonic resonant frequencies! (Ref. 2). I know that there are many explanations for the extra coil performance by more knowledgeable researchers in this area. However, I have strong conviction that Rhysmonics will provide another plausible reason for the increased performance of the extra coil. I will pursue that when I have more time available.


(1) Any abnormal observations (not explained by any present theory) should never be dismissed or ignored!

(2) Such dismissal or ignoring by establishment researchers will only delay but not hinder the final development of new concepts or mechanisms useful to mankind!

(3) Especially in this time of global warming and conflicts over current energy sources (e.g., oil), open minds are needed to solve the energy problem. Present day energy sources are a source of pollution (thus global warming?) as well as a waste of valuable resources. We need a source of energy which relates to nature and thus is renewable i.e., inexhaustible). Such sources will be developed (found) only if open minds prevail! I believe Rhysmonic approaches will be quite useful here. I will have even more on this in the future.


1. Leland I. Anderson, “Final Thoughts on Tesla’s Work with High-Frequency Alternating Currents”; Electric Spacecraft, Issue 41, 8-28-06.

2. Nikola Tesla, “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy”, The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, June 1900.