Simplest Gravimeter Circuit #910

( 4-12-1990 )


Simplest gravimeter Circuit #910 was fabricated in a 1.5" x 2.5" x 5" plastic box with an aluminum cover plate. All operating controls were brought out on this panel, including an output jack and a 2.25" wide meter to display the output voltage. A single 9-volt battery supply is contained within the unit. While this unit was primarily designed as an earth g-field gravimeter unit, it will also display the QND type gravity impulses and l/f noise on an external oscilloscope and/or audio amplifier unit.

The Circuit:

The circuit is a standard GW detector unit designed around the readily available 741 operational amplifier (op-amp) device. This unit is more fully described in the article "Gravimeters: A New Window to the Universe?" Circuit parameters and controls were adjusted for this particular application to provide for both the gravimeter and GW signal modes of operation with very simple circuitry. This circuitry is shown in Figure (1).


Operation of this unit is very simple: For the gravimeter mode --- place the sensitivity and set controls to their mid-positions and then turn on the power supply. Initial turn-on will result in the over-ranging of the meter output, but the output will quickly settle down to about mid-range when the power supply capacitor fully charges. The sensitivity control may now be used to adjust the output to say, 32, on the meter scale to conform to a nominal g-field acceleration of 32 ft/sec2 . However, this unit will display an increase in the g-field as a down-scale reading (and vice versa)! However, it will be an accurate and sensitive gravimeter: e.g., bending one’s body over the unit (to shield some of the earth’s g-field) will result in a 0.5 to 0.8% reduction in the g-factor seen!

For use as a QND type gravity signal detector, just connect the output to an oscilloscope and/or audio amplifier unit. Displayed now in ‘sight and sound’ will be the many supernovae ‘bursts’ as well as the general l/f background noise. Due to the low levels of output from this unit (no gain stage used), the oscilloscope or audio amplifier used should have sufficient gain to properly display these effects.

Figure (1): Simplest Gravimeter Circuit #910

Simplest Gravimeter Circuit #910


(1) Unit may be 'calibrated' with a judicious selection of sensitivity and set controls. Reasonable 'close' calibration is achieved with set control at mid-range, and sensitivity control set for 32 (i.e., 32 ft/sec2).


Gravimeter unit Circuit #910 is a good introduction to both the dynamic GW detection of rapid ‘violent’ events in the universe, and also to observe the long-term highly averaged effects of these events on the earth’s gravity, i.e., the g-factor. The author believes that unusual variations in the earth’s g-factor in recent years has resulted in the ‘strange’ weather patterns seen in this time period.

This circuit’s simplicity, low cost, and good performance makes it an ideal unit for the newcomer to the study of gravitation in terms of rhysmonic cosmology theory. Good experimenting to all!