Even though I was only able to apply very limited effort on the Mini-MRA device, I have released to you many thoughts and experiments, some of which could be quite significant for an understanding of the operation of this device. The viewpoints are from Rhysmonic Cosmology and those of you who are quite familiar with some of its premises should be able to understand the following discussions:
Figure 1
A. Simplified Sketch of the Mini-MRA
Shown above is a very simple depiction of the peak one-half cycle of the 'flow' of scalar flux in the Mini-MRA. In normal theory, one considers that when energy is being 'stored' in the capacitor's 'field', energy is being 'returned' from the inductor's 'field'. Rhysmonic Theory goes well beyond that simple statement and speculates that the capacitor 'flux' is 'exciting' the universe (or some component of it) and that the inductor 'flux' is also 'exciting' the universe. That this is so has been reported to you in many simple experiments and some Notes and papers in the past. However, as depicted above, these two flux components are 180° out-of-phase and also a function of the resonant frequency. It is also emphasized that good sinusoidal waveforms and resistive loads are necessary for this circuit to work!
B. Further Remarks on This Operation
(1) While the intrinsic rhysmonic flux of the universe s 'instantaneous' and 'omni-directional', there are also many other 'directed' fluxes due to various universe and terrestrial factors. A few common terrestrial factors are the earth's G-field, E-field, magnetic field, as well as the many components in the ionosphere and near-earth, due to emissions from the sun, and possible other cosmic emissions. Thus, the universe is a vast source of energy, both intrinsic and also 'converted'. The converted energies are presently being utilized, much of it being rapidly exhausted and much of it polluting the earth.
(2) The scalar-type 'flux' being developed by the reactances through the action of the driving source, i.e., the generator, will be as shown by the solid lines in the depiction above, while the interactions possible in the universe will be simply depicted by the dotted lines while the orientation of the reactances possibly could be directed for enhanced interactions (say, with the earth's G- or E-fields), the positioning, in general, will be immaterial, since there always will be a substantial component of rhysmonic flux in any direction. The 'driven' reactances will 'pump' the universe (or some component of it). Many past rhysmonic experiments have shown this to be the case and such 'pumping' was found to 'magnify' the energy levels in possible 'resonance' in these interactions. The higher the drive level of the 'pump', i.e., the drive, the higher the level of interactions. Also, the longer the 'pump' acts, the greater the level of interaction up to some limiting level. This has also been proven in other simple rhysmonic experiments, many of which have been released in the past, and some of which were not! Since most of these experiments are so simple, one only needs to perform them (which I find many are reluctant to do so since they are so unconventional!).
(3) Due to the nature of some of the 'directed' rhysmonic fluxes, the performance of the Mini-MRA could vary with the rotation of the earth, i.e., the time of day; but in general, the interaction is found to be relatively constant. The interaction is essentially between parallel scalar-field components and thus one of simple superposition of fields (potential) and thus only simple algebraic addition of flux is required. While certain 'resonant' frequencies could enhance the interaction with certain directed flux components, the long time constant of these circuits compared to the very high basic rhysmonic (intrinsic) frequencies will ensure at least a measure of interaction at all the frequencies of operation (provided resonance occurs).
(4) The flux interaction in the universe (depicted by the dotted lines in the sketch) is repetitive at the resonant frequency and thus should also complete the reactive circuit (perhaps no line return may be needed?). Therefore, the sensing resistor, RS, could directly determine this reactive 'circulating' current. With the proper design of the reactive elements and a proper frequency of operation, this reactive current could be made many, many times greater than the generator line current needed to sustain this mode of operation. The reactive voltage across L1 would be icirc x XL1, and could be vary large. However, due to the 90° phase difference between the reactive voltages and reactive currents, no appreciable dissipation losses will be sustained in this reactive 'circulating loop'. The high reactive voltage in L1 can be transformer-coupled to L2, where this high voltage could now drive a large real current (in phase with the voltage) and thus develop large real power in the load, RL. This has been confirmed in many Mini-MRA tests, but again I must caution you that solid state sources can react to the scalar fluxes being developed here and thus distort the drive input and even destroy the source!
II. Conclusions
As usual, the above speculative remarks on the possible operation of the Mini-MRA are primarily aimed at getting more of you more actively involved in these simple tests. All indications are that the MRA is for real and possibly a great new source of space energy which will be both inexhaustible and also non-polluting. While these exploratory tests are yet at low levels, there is every reason to believe that very high levels will be achieved with this technique. Witness the Swiss M-L, which to me appears to be but a Super MRA device!
Rhysmonic Cosmology is basically used in these discussions --- it is a real science --- and many experiments have shown it to be so. Much has been released to you in past Notes and papers, both published and unpublished. Also, there is much that has not yet been released --- to use the Swiss M-L group's phrase, "Mankind may not be ready for it yet". In any case, I wish you all well and continued good experimenting.