Speculations on the Gravitational Constant, G

Greg Hodowanec

Published in: New Energy News 3(10): 15-17 (April 1996)


I. Speculations on the Gravitational Constant, G

There are many interpretations for the gravitational constant, G, the value of which is presently determined largely from various experimental tests. I have shown in some past Notes that this value was also determinable from dimensional analysis using the Planck Natural Units. However, it intrigued me to know just what this constant really stood for. I knew that it was related to the 'force' of gravity in terms of Rhysmonic Cosmology, but past attempts to evaluate it always resulted in some extra terms in mass, length, or time. In some analyses these extra terms showed up as an acceleration, cm/sec2, or as a surface density, gm/cm2. I finally realized that both these relations could be directly obtained from the dimensional analysis of the units of the value of G!

For example:

        L**3         cm**3                                 cm/sec**2 [*]

G  =   ------  =  -----------  =  cm/sec**2 x cm**2/gm  =  --------------
       M T**2     gm sec**2                                gm/sec**2 [**]
Note:  [*] acceleration, a   [**] surface density, S
In terms of Rhysmonic Cosmology, this could be considered as follows:
[Figure of an area of a flat plane with:]
     unit area (cm**2)
     mass per unit area = S*
     rhysmonic acceleration (of plane) = a*
     dots on the plane = rhysmons
a* = L*/(T*)**2 = 1.616E-33/29.06E-88 = 5.56E53 cm/sec**2

S* = M*/(L*)**3 = 2.177E-5 /2.611E-66 = 8.34E60 gm/cm**2


G = a*/S* = 6.67E-8 cm**3/(gm sec**2)

this being the same value obtained in experiment AND this rhysmonic determination! Therefore, G may be a measure of the acceleration of rhysmonic flux through a unit area, something like the Poynting Vector in EM work. However, this measure may also be expressed as a surface force or a pressure gradient as follows:

P* = S* a* = about 4.64E114 dynes/cm**2

II. Some comments on this interpretation of G

1. Rhysmonics implies that there is a very dynamic but highly localized structure in the rhysmoid (aether) which exists in the order of Planck Length dimensions in the 4th Dimension. Thus, when I speak about rhysmonic 'flux flow,' I do not imply a movement of rhysmons over any extended lengths, which we do in the third dimension where flux flow usually means an actual movement of particles, both microscopic and macroscopic. Both result in a pressure per unit area, but in rhysmonics only the effect is transported over space, very much like sound waves or water waves are transported and where there is little relative movement of the air or water molecules. Another difference here is that the rhysmonic effects are 'transported' essentially in an instantaneous fashion as pointed out in my Cosmology.

2. The universal gravitational 'flux' energy vectors are omni-directional in free 'undisturbed' space but due to the rhysmonic structure of space these vectors cancel and thus no 3rd dimensional effects are seen. Moreover, these energetic basic 4th dimensional vectors cannot be 'tapped' directly with most present day technology techniques. However, it is possible to 'tap' the energy in certain other existing scalar gradients in this field (or those which can be created with the use of certain field modifying techniques). The main gradients are well known: E-fields, H-fields, EM-fields, and g-fields. There may be many other field gradients which contain much energy, but most of these are as yet 'unknown' and must be 'discovered' before man can use them as an energy source. There are already hints of these in some 'free energy' experiments and energy 'machines.'

3. Much of the potential energy of the universal gravitational field has been 'captured' in particles and various radiation fields, and these provide much of our present day useful energy using the technology of today. However, as we learn more about our rhysmoid (aether) we should eventually be able to utilize this very basic energy through direct means and highly efficiently (more than 100%). That day is now approaching.

III. Conclusions

Rhysmonic cosmology is continuing to develop into a simple but sound approach to cosmology and thus increasing expectations in both the theoretical and technological fall-out. Within my very limited time here, I will continue to report to you on any further thoughts or discoveries. I will not be able to do much in terms of experiments in the near future and it would be nice to have a little more help (ala Bill Ramsay) in these lines, as well as more comments on the theory. I wish all the best regards and good experimenting.

Later observations. Is this real or just possibly a 'local' phenomenon, a product of our local power company?

More on the simple coil test of 11/26/95.

While some personal problems have limited my research activity here in recent months, I did find some time to briefly follow a simple coil test a bit. I used a coil taken from a 120 to 12.5 volt miniature Radio Shack transformer, Part No. 273-1385. The primary was connected to the home water pipe system and the vintage (tube type) oscilloscope was used for qualitative tests only. The 12.5 volt secondary winding was connected to a frequency meter. With this setup (shown in Fig. 1) the sharp input pulse was readily seen as well as its exponential decay, see Fig. 3. Moreover, the non-decaying 'wave- packet' type of traces also showed up well, as is seen in Fig. 3.

[Figures 1, 2, 3 are in the Newsletter.]
It was noticed that the wave-packet traces were seen with different amplitudes during the course of the day, and at times, the amplitude would vary more rapidly at a frequency of less than 1 Hz to a few Hz. These fluctuations may be related to the variations in the earth-ionosphere complex which is largely 'excited' by the solar wind and thus may be more active during daylight hours. At other times, a fairly high-level response was seen, generally around 40-50 KHz or so. This response was slightly distorted (and at times asymmetric) compared to the more normal response. This seemed to be due to some other man-made 'excitation,' as it was seen to be suddenly turned on and off, and apparently was not present on weekends! Outside of the work-week or HAARP? An attempt was made to identify some 'resonances' in the normal type resonances. To enhance the output, a ferrite core was placed within the coil. The responses were now more sinusoidal and easily showed their multiple 'excitations.' A limited test showed possible resonances at 3, 10, 18, 24, 32, 47, 68, 90, and 130 KHz. Moreover, some of these frequencies are quite close to those noted in some Mini-MRA tests which developed fairly decent sinusoidals and over-unity operation! Therefore, there could be a relation here?


If more of you colleagues would look into this experiment, then perhaps we could learn if this was a factor in free energy devices? The effects here appear to me to be related to some persistent 'Universe' excitations (using 'modulation' by various scalar fields) and which I had reported to you in various Notes and papers. In this particular case, the initiating scalar impulse (Pk) may be from the 60 Hz 'leakage' fields as developed between the water pipe system and the utility line return (neutral). This impulse (loaded only by the scope input) is shown in Fig. 2. This is 60 Hz (plus some harmonics) and it is very high in voltage but very low in current. The primary was opened at point Z for the measurement of Fig. 2. When the 60 Hz leakage input is 'driving' the low resistance primary coil winding (no ferrite used), the response is low-level and largely as shown in Fig. 3. However, when a ferrite core is used and 'tuned' to about 17.2 Khz, the responses are more equalized and increase to about 1.2 V AC (rms) at about 40 µA (rms), and the waveforms are quite sinusoidal now. Some other resonant points showed similar responses! I will have more on these particular aspects as time permits. Good experimenting.