Speculations on the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA)
I. Speculations on the Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA)
The operation of this circuit recently was described by McClain and Wootan on the Keelynet BBS and in the January 1995 issue of New Energy News. Basically, the circuit consists of a low-level sine wave generator operating in the order of 20 KHz to 40 KHz driving a specially wound 1:1 ratio transformer using a barium ferrite magnet as a core. The input and output coils had about 150 turns of magnet wire. The driving source was coupled to the transformer through a large barium titanate (?) piezo element making this in fact a series resonant circuit. The output coil was coupled to a bridge rectifier to develop a DC output power across an external resistive load. You are referred to the original releases for more data on this circuit. The important factor here is that in the original test the apparent real input power may have been only about 0.7 watts, but the DC output power developed in the load was about 2.75 watts! If these measurements were realm then there was about a 4 times power gain developed here! Where did this extra power come from?
II. Crude Test of an MRA-Type Circuit
While I did not have the actual circuit elements as used by McClain and Wootan, I felt that this circuit was but a specialized application of a typical series resonant circuit consisting of a capacitance and an inductance having some unavoidable series resistance. I had available an old tube-style signal generator which ranged from 20 Hz to about 200 KHz which could develop only about 4 mW of real power across its 5 KOhms internal output load (at 100 KHz). The unloaded voltage output was about 4.5 volts (AC rms) and they short-circuit rms current was about 0.9 ma. I had plenty of capacitors (including some 'piezo' type ceramics) to test in this circuit. For the transformer, I had some small potted transformers in which the coils were wound on a ferrite core (unmagnetized) having a 1/4" diameter and a length of 3/4". The primary winding appeared to have in the order of 500 turns of about #30 magnet wire, while the secondary may have had 1/5 of this number of turns. The original purpose for these units was unknown, but the units were marked as 5.0 mH and a 5:1 ratio. Since the possible output was expected to be low-level, the load in the output was made an LED device rated at 10 ma at 1.85 volts DC. The test circuit was thus as follows:
Figure 1: MRA-Type Circuit
Before I give some test results, lets briefly review some basics of series resonant circuits. The current 'flow' in a capacitor leads the voltage by 90° in phase, while the current 'flow' in an inductor lags the voltage by 90° in phase. Thus in a series resonant circuit the voltages across the C and L are 180° out of phase but the currents are equal and remain in phase. At resonance, the inductive reactance and the capacitive reactance are equal and thus cancel out, leaving the current to be determined by the driving source and the resistance which remains. However, above resonance the capacitive reactance decreases and the inductive reactance increases, while the opposite conditions prevail below resonance. At resonance, the voltages across the elements are greater than the source voltage and depend upon the element Q's. Moreover, when energy is being 'stored' in the inductor's H-field, energy is being returned to the circuit from the capacitor's E-field, and vice versa. The power available is 'lossless' power or a purely reactive power in ideal reactances, but practical reactances always have some loss mechanisms, primarily of a resistive nature. Under such conditions we should use the term impedance rather than reactance. The reactive power of an inductor can be 'impedance matched' to useful real load power by the use of transformer action. At the high frequencies, the cores of these transformers are generally made of ferrite-type materials for reduced 'eddy current' losses and also good response to the high frequency changes.
III. Optimization of MRA-Type Circuits
To maintain a high reactive power, the reactance of the circuit element must be high compared to any resistive or other loss mechanisms. This will be expressed in the quality factor, or Q, of that element. Thus, high Q is most desirable in series resonant circuits. This will result in 'sharp' resonant frequencies and 'high' circulating currents at resonance. Since reactive power is equal to i2X, high Q generally will also mean high reactive powers. Also, the voltage across either the inductor or capacitor will be equal to QVg where Vg is the voltage of the source generator. Thus, the voltage across the reactances can be many times the source voltage at resonant conditions.
So far, we have considered normally accepted reactance and transformer theory. In this particular test, the following additional observations may also be made. During resonance, the capacitor and the inductor are continually being 'charged' and 'discharged' at the rate of the resonant frequency, which in the case of Figure (1) was in the order off 90 KHz. Now in terms of my Rhysmonic theory, the particular reactive elements used there can also 'interact' with space energy during these cycles. It is believed that the prime source of space energy in this case may be that of the earth's gravity field, although there are probably many other sources out there in space. I have used capacitors and inductors as 'detection' elements in many of my GW (Gravity Wave) detectors and gravimeters and have made much of the early data on these aspects available to interested researchers.
To emphasize these interactions with space energy, e.g., the earth's g-field, the capacitors and inductors should be fairly large size and of high Q. The choice for the capacitor probably should be planar type piezo elements, and the various coil construction probably should contain ferrite-type cores. My past experience has been that capacitors are effective in GW detectors where high circuit gains make the small signals which appear in such capacitors useful, but cols may be more effective in terms of power extraction from the latent space energy (Ref. 2). For this very reason it was observed that the circuit of Figure (1) had higher power gains (more efficiency) when the circuit was operated somewhat above resonance, or about 100 KHz! Here, XC was reduced and XL was increased. Also, the real current being drawn from the source drops sharply. Thus, the real power being drawn from the driving source is greatly reduced, but the reactive power in coil L1 is increased more than what had been obtained there at peak resonance. That reactive power present in coil L1 can then be 'impedance matched' efficiently to a resistive load, e.g., the LED, across the secondary coil, L2, by the use of transformer action, where it becomes useful power output.
IV. Experimental Results
By carefully adjusting the frequency of the driving source in the circuit of Figure (1), it was possible to brightly light the LED device used as a load. The brightness was roughly equivalent to that seen when the LED was operated at a DC level of 1.85 volts and a current of 10 ma, or about 18.5 mW DC power level. It was only possible to light the LED directly by the signal source only very dimly at 100 KHz. Checked against a DC level, that brightness was found to be equivalent to 1.85 volts at 1 ma or about 1.85 mW of DC power! The real power being expended by the driving source was about 4.53 volts (AC rms) at 0.41 ma (rms) and thus the driving source was also in the order of 1.84 mW. Thus my digital meter here was fairly close in rms readings. It can only be concluded here that the MRA-type test performed here seems to indicate a real power gain of about 10 times!! This power is believed to be coming from the aether in a process somewhat as expressed here.
Similar type performance was also seen in a test circuit where the transformer coils were salvaged from a 120 V to 25 VAC transformer. The coils had about a 3/4" square opening into which I inserted two barium ferrite magnets which I obtained from Radio Shack as part # 64-1877.
V. Conclusions
While this was but a crude test using some materials which I had available, it does tend to support the claims of McClain and Wootan as reported in their MRA releases on the Internet. However, here I have tried to offer some other speculative insights into the nature of this circuit and the source of the additional energy 'seen' with this circuit. Perhaps some of you can help to develop this approach further and thus also help to establish the reality of the extraction of some of the vast latent energy present in all of space! Possibly, winding coils on the ferrite forms found in many AM radios (used as antennae) could be a good place to start? In any event, good luck with your tests.