The Euclidian Universe

( 4-26-2005 )


A. Rhysmonic Geometric Concepts

Many concepts in Rhysmonics have been released to you over the years in papers, articles, notes, experiments and personal communications. Briefly, the methods of Euclid were used in this cosmology and they are effective universe-wide! Some basic postulates are now defined as they apply to an undisturbed Euclidian Universe.

1. Point: A point in rhysmonics is defined as a finite but extremely small particle: It is the rhysmon itself!

2. Line: The line is defined as a series of points (rhysmons) where adjacent points lie in the shadows of each other. When all points lie with a common shadow, this is generally termed as a straight line and now it can exist universe-wide!

3. Plane: A plane may be defined as a collection of points (rhysmons) in which parallel lines can exist. Parallel lines are defined as adjacent straight lines which maintain a specified spacing universe-wide!

4. Volume: A volume is defined as a region in space where a collection of points (rhysmons) can exist as a series of adjacent planes which maintain a specified spacing universe-wide! A region which exists universe-wide is just the volume of a finite Universe!


B. Mensural Concepts

Measuring concepts in rhysmonics are based upon Planck’s Natural Units (and their derivatives) as well as on the Cartesian coordinate reference system, since a Euclidean Universe is best described by such a measuring system. Some other applicable postulates are now defined.

1. Point: The point (rhysmon) has only location (position), shape (sphere), and a quality called inertia (mass). These are discussed in my Monograph and in the many other releases to you. Location (position) here is in relation to the rest of the Universe, since the point (rhysmon) is essentially fixed in the structure of a rhysmonic universe.

2. Line: The line is further defined by a concept called length, which is esentially a physical distance between any two points on a line. In rhysmonics the basic unit of length is the Panck Length, L*. This is the closest spacing between any two adjacent points in an undisturbed universe. All other lengths are simply multiples of that unit length, i.e., L = nL*, where n is the number of adjacent points (rhysmons) in that line.

3. Plane: A plane in Cartesian coordinates is generally measured in straight line lengths in the X-direction and also the Y-direction. The product of these lengths give rise to a concept called area, A. In this case the area is termed a square and it is related to the number of rhysmons in that two-dimensional space. Other arithmetical or geometrical methods of measurement are used for other area shapes.

4. Volume: In a similar fashion, the concept of a volume is simply a measurement of the number of points (rhysmons) in three-dimensional space. The simplest volume measurement is the cube, where the x, y, and z lengths are equal. The volume is simply the product XYZ! Other arithmetical or geometrical methods are used tocompute the volume of other shaped regions.


C. Summary

The point (rhysmon) is an entity which has a fundamental existence in itself. Thus, geometrically, it has only a location, as such, in the Universe. However, since it is a very dynamic entity (at Planck lengths) it is the sole source of energy in the Universe! Dynamic energy in the third-dimension universe is kinetic energy and is measured as 1/2 MV2 (since an averaged velocity must be used). However, the rhysmonic kinetic energy is equal to MC2, since the rhysmonic velocity is equal to C, the constant velocity of light! See my releases for more details on this. The line not only has a location in the Universe but also a characteristic called length. Moreover, the line (especially straight lines), enable the transport of rhysmonic energy throughout the Universe! The plane not only has location in the Universe, but also the characteristic called area. Moreover, this planar area enables a larger flux of energy to be transported throughout the Universe. A volume not only has location in the Universe, but the characteristic of being a region in space, which now enables an energy density characteristic to exist in space.

All the above characteristics of a Rhysmonic Universe have been used in the many experimental and theoretical proofs I used over the years to demonstrate the real existence of such a Rhysmonic Universe! At the present time it appears that Euclidian Geometry describes the undisturbed Universe quite well and that there is no need for the other two proposed theoretical geometries!


D. Conclusions

1. Euclidian geometrical methods strictly apply only to an undisturbed Universe. However, the rhysmonic universe is extremely dynamic with energy available from the linear (G-fields) in the Universe and also from the rotational (torsion fields) in the Universe. This essentially unlimited energy is available for use in many ways (transformed) but it is eventually returned back to the Universe. Thus, the premise of the conservation of energy: Energy is neither created or destroyed; it just exists. When external forces and/or rhysmonic packing conditions apply, the disturbed Universe will result in the many observed structures and activities seen in our 3-D everyday universe.