In the past I have reported to you on many Mini-MRA (Magnetic Resonance Amplifier) tests which were instilled by the initial report by McClain and Wootan on this device published in the January 1995 issue of New Energy News. At that time I had tried a 'first look' at this circuit using some parts and equipment which I had on hand. This initial circuit has since proved to be very useful in trying to understand the operation of the MRA device (from the viewpoint of my Rhysmonic Cosmology). This Note will summarize my viewpoints from a position of hindsight at this time.
B. The Series Resonant Mini-MRA Circuit ~
This was out 'initial' look at this device but I will now summarize it anew. A simplified version of the circuit is shown below. A new unit was made on 6-23-01 and evaluated at that time. Tests were made with a 25 MHz scope and all waveforms were very good sinewaves. The signal source used was an old tube-type which was capable of only about 10 mW if output power Imax).
Figure 1:
T1: 5 mH Red Pulse Xformer (5:1 ratio)
RG: 2.5 K
RL: 1 K
C1: 680 of mica capacitor
RA: 3.33 Ohms
Fo: 74.2 KHz (measured)
VC1~ VL1~ 14.1 V (rms)
VG~ 1.7 V (rms)
IC~ iG~ VG / RG~ 1.7 / 2.5 K ~ 0.68 mA (rms)
Real Pin~ VG x iG~ 1.7 x 0.68 ~ 1.16 mW (rms)
Vout~ 3.1 V (rms)
Iout~ Vout / RL~ 3.1 1K ~ 3.1 mA (rms)
Real Pout~ Vout x iout~ 3.12 ~ 9.6 mW
Reactive Power L1 = VAR ~ VL1 x iC~ 14.1 x 0.68 ~ 9.6 mW also.
P.G ~ Pout / Pin~ 9.6 / 1.16 ~ 8.3 X
Also, P.G. = Voltage Gain ~ VL1 / VG~ 141.1 / 1.7 ~ 8.3 X ~ loaded Q!
B. Equivalent Parallel Resonant Circuit ~
The equivalent parallel resonant circuit should confirm the operation of the series version of C1, L1, and the loaded Q's remain equal. The simplified circuit is shown:
Figure 2:
All circuit values remain same as in series except for Rp, XL1, and VRS.
IG~ VG /RG~ 1.7 / 2.5 R ~ 0.68 mA (rms); iC~ VRS / RS ~ 18.8 / 3.33 ~ 5.65 mA (rms)
Real Pin~ VG x iG~ 1.7 x 0.68 ~ 1.16 mW (rms)
Real Pout ~ Vout x iout~ 3.12 ~ 9.6 mW (rms)
Reactive Power L1 = VAR ~ VL1 x iC~ 1.7 x 5.65 ~ 9.6 mW also.
Power Gain ~ Vout / Pin~ 9.6 / 1.16 ~ 8.3X
Also: P.G. = current gain ~ 1C / iG~ 5.65 / 0.68 ~ 8.3X ~ loaded Q!
II. Conclusions ~
(1) The loaded Q in the parallel equivalent circuit is equal to the loaded Q in the series resonant circuit!
(2) The loaded Q's are also approximately equal to Power Gains (P.G.)!
(3) The reactive L1 powers (VAR) in both modes are equal!
(4) Note also that fo (74.2 KHz) is also a subharmonic of the Universal Rhysmonic (Planck) frequency 1.885 x 10-43 Hz.
(5) Tube-type generators are recommended for these tests as they are not sensitive to scalar fields as solid state sources seem to be!
(6) It is concluded that the MRA type devices (or more simple reactive systems) remain viable as a source of energy extracted from the Universal G-fields (i.e., aether). However, more effort by others is needed --- I have shown you the way and the many possibilities. Good Luck!