The Nature of Quasars


Greg Hodowanec


Introduction ~

Quasars have been an enigma ever since they were first discovered in the late 1950s. It is difficult to explain the enormous energy output, small size, rapid fluctuations in output, and apparent remoteness within the present concepts of astronomy. However, rhysmonic cosmology offers a simple and elegant solution to this enigma and requires no ad hoc explanations. Simply stated, quasars are ordinary galaxies (more likely Seyfert types) which are viewed under special conditions in this rhysmoid universe.


Seyfert Galaxies ~

Seyfert galaxies are a class of galaxies which have unusually active nucleuses. They are, therefore, the prime candidate for quasar type responses. As shown in Figure (1), the nucleus will be prominent in whatever the general class or orientation of the galaxy. However, many ordinary galaxies, which have black hole energy engines in the nucleus, should also have quasar type responses at shorter viewing distances.


Quasar Response ~

The nature of quasar response can be depicted with the rhysmoid model of the universe as shown in Figure (2). The earth’s position in the matte portion of the universe is shown at point E, while a Seyfert galaxy is shown at point S1. The Seyfert galaxy can be viewed directly, in a shorter distance E-S1, but viewing is through the matter universe with its dust clouds and galaxies as well as interstellar gases and molecules, all of which lead to absorption of EM wave energy; thus, at best, galaxy S1 is very dimly seen, if at all. However, galaxy S1 can also be viewed over a much longer path, E-2-S1, reflected off the edge of the universe at point 2, but with differences. Absorption bands are present only in the matter regions near earth and the Seyfert galaxy regions. However, most of the EM wave propagation takes place in the pure rhysmoid regions, which has no absorption bands, not even for interstellar hydrogen! However, due to the much longer propagation path, the spectral lines from galaxy S1 will be highly redshifted (we will actually be seeing the very short wavelengths being generated in this active nucleus region) but with little or no absorption of this radiant energy. Thus, even though the transmission path is very long, the galaxy will look bright, especially the nucleous region. Since we are observing a small nucleus region, fluctuations will be present due to the small volume of the source of this radiation. Rhysmonic cosmology therefore predicts:

1) Only apparent high energy output energy due to very low losses.

2) Only apparent large cosmological distances due to the very long viewing path. The galaxy is much closer in reality.

3) An actual small size since it is mainly the nucleus part being viewed. Some of the rest of the galaxy could be viewed if bright enough.

4) Emission bands are near S1 while most absorption bands are near E.

5) Absorption due to interstellar hydrogen will be minimal.

6) Redshift values will range over a range of Z-values which will be determined by the actual path of reflection off the universe edge and will be determined by the relative location of earth and the galaxy.

7) It should be possible, in principle, to view our own Galaxy or a nearby Seyfert galaxy using optical path E-1-S2.


Figure 1: Seyfert Galaxies ~

Seyfert Galaxies

Figure 2: Quasars as special views of Seyfert Galaxies ~

Quasars as special views of Seyfert Galaxies


Summary & Conclusions ~

Rhysmonic cosmology provides a simple solution to the mystery of quasars, requiring no ad hoc explanations but only the basic premises as established in the beginning of these cosmological studies. The predictions flowing from this theory appear to be confirmed with the many observations of quasars to date.